Part 18: the one where they surprise her

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"Anyways, as much as you worry, everything will work out. As B said, Ruel would want you to take care of yourself. He wouldn't want you to starve. He wouldn't want you to have insomnia. He would want you to be healthy so if you wont do it for yourself, do it for Ruel. Do it for your family. Do it for Bella. Do it for me." The sincerity is strong in his voice and his eyes have a gloss over them now. That was enough for me to break down. My eyes begin to water and my lip quivers. I try to hold in the emotions but I couldn't. I broke down and instantly Jay pulled me into his chest. I felt Bella come up behind me and hug me so I was in-between her and jay.

"It's okay, let it out." Bella soothingly says. We stayed like that for at least 3 minutes before I calmed down a little. I was still crying a little but not sobbing.

"What would I do without you guys?" I say pouting.

"Fuck knows, but come on. Let's go get some food." Bella says handing me a tissue and I nod my head. I blow my nose quickly, wipe my eyes and throw the tissue in the trash. We leave the bathroom and I walk over to Ralph.

"We are gonna go get something to eat and walk around for a bit. You want anything?" I ask him.

"No it's okay, Kate should be back in a second and she said she would get me something. Go get some fresh air, we will be here when you get back." He says smiling. I simply nod.

"Thank you, I'll be back soon." I say and Bella, Jay and I walk toward the café. Once we get there, we walk over to the counter. I get a sandwich and we all get coffees. Bella and Jay ate beforehand so they decided to not get any food. We sit down and I begin eating my sandwich.

"Wait why aren't you guys at school?" I ask them a mouth full of food.

"We talked to all our teachers and explain the situation so they said we could have the day off. Mr. Swafoski was the hardest because he didn't believe us. He even emailed Ruel's parents to confirm." Bella explained.

"I would ask why you haven't gone home but I already know the answer to that." Jay says.

"What does that mean?" I ask confused.

"Don't act dumb, we know something is going on between you and Ruel. You guys aren't the only best friend's in this group." Jaden says cockily.

"Well since we are already on this topic, there in something I need to tell you guys." I say as I finish my sandwich. I proceeded to tell the what happened when Tyler was sleeping and then what also happened at the party. It took a whole 15 minutes because they kept interrupting me: 'What?' 'Since when was that a thing?' 'Omg you didn't!' 'Why were they there?' 'Fuckin bitch.' Were some things said by both Bella and Jaden.'

"It's about fuckin time this happened though," I head Jaden mumble under his breath.

"What? What does that mean?" I ask him. He look taken back, he clearly didn't think anyone heard him.

"Uh, um nothing." He stuttered.

"Jay, u don't stutter unless you are nervous or lying. I'm gonna take a guess and say its both right now. What did you mean by that?" I ask again.

"Well your gonna find out anyway. Basically, when were at Mc Donalds about 2 months ago Ruel said something about you being beautiful, even with pj's and your hair was a complete mess. You guys know Ruel never calls a girl a beautiful unless he has fallen hard. I didn't say anything other than 'yeah she looks cute' because let's face it I think of you as my cute little sister. I knew Ruel started falling for you because he had that look in his eye. He never once looked at Nikki the way he looks at you. I know he used Nikki to try and distract from the fact he likes you but it didn't work. Do you remember a couple weeks ago and I told you guys about me getting into the footy team?" He asks. I just nod my head, I couldn't speak.

"You tackled me into a hug, honestly you kinda hurt my neck by doing that just so you know. Anyway, when you did that, Ruel got jealous. He didn't have a right to be jealous so he was mad at himself. That's why he walked away. When he got mad over little things, he wasn't mad at you or me or Bella. He was mad at himself because he didn't wanna fall for you. Not because you aren't good enough, but because he was scared it would ruin your friendship. But now that he knows you feel the same, he is making his move." Jay explains.

"Hang on a minute, how do you know all this?" I asked.

"He told me. He told me he caught feelings and he didn't know how to cope but he made me not tell you guys." He explained.

"Lana!" I heard someone call my name. I turn around to see it's Coco. She runs up to us and she looks frantic and stressed. I start worrying and stand up.

"Coco what's wrong are you okay?" I say grabbing her shoulders.

"It's Ruel." My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach.

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