C50: The Children

Start from the beginning

His nights though, these moments she stole to look for some information, were a little more solidified in their outcomes.

It seemed that doting, power-hungry wife of his, could only spend so much time with him, meaning Alkibiades was able to find comfort in someone else.

So, mostly, un-phased by anything that would have happened that day, including a couple attempts on his life, that he was able to talk his way out of and then, even use the would-be killer to his own gain, his lover would come, spending most of the night with him and bringing him the news Eos was most interested in.

His lover was a Persian man, his accent thick with the love of his country but, also an endless want for Alkibiades as well.

Now, at first, Eos wasn't sure if said Persian really had any idea of what was happening with the Order but, it soon became apparent that he was quite the acquaintance with Amorges. Although, that didn't mean he liked him. He kept claiming that whatever Amorges was pursuing benefitted no one but himself. Although, Ali would always quiet him before he could whine about it much more.

It was real information she could take back, a rift within the Order, no matter how small, would give them an advantage.

Eos had considered following him back to wherever it was he went one time but, she knew Alexios would never forgive her and, when she'd tried to bring it up with him, she'd changed the subject quicker than Zeus could strike her down with lighting.

It wasn't worth the risk. Or the stress.

So, instead, every so often, Eos would be stood in this exact same spot outside Ali's safe house, waiting.

This night, she could hear Ali talking to himself, his voice too quiet for her to hear. He was pouring some wine, expecting his lover who, Eos could hear getting off his horse just around the corner to her.

Eos had looked through the small window as the Persian had given a light knock before going inside, embracing Alkibiades who, did seem a little rigid tonight.

The Persian had started to talk, Ali paying little attention as he swished the wine around in the glass he held. The Persian had reached out to him.

"Ali?" The Persian said gently. Ali had looked at him, forcing a small smile, "come on". Taking his hand, he had led Ali through the door and in to the bed room.

It was strange. She'd never seen Ali like that, never seen the Persian so ecstatic about something. He was always so moany.

Making her way in through the open back door, Eos had went over to Ali's desk, gently pushing some of the papers around.

It was days like this she wished Alexios just let her go and check-up on Ali during the day. Something had obviously gone on to distract him and, she couldn't find anything here. Just the same few letters from before, a letter he'd started writing up, addressed to an Athenian leader about a ship he was hoping to acquire. Perhaps Ali was finally making a run for it but, she wouldn't really know until it was finished.

Eos sighed and put her hands on her hips.

Most of the letters he had were down-right boring, mostly passive aggressive written arguments with people he'd hurt in his betrayal against Athens, or Sparta - it depended on the day and then, some were just down-right bizarre. Seems that even though his wife didn't have time to spend with him, she had time to write love letters...

All of which were of no use to Eos tonight.

And even less use to Alexios - who she was sure was more jealous than anything by now. Some of the things he said about all this made her want to lose her eyes in the back of her head.

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