Chpt. 9

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Juleka was sitting far away from you. Luka had that same brother aura around him as you sat next to each other. He was not even looking at you. But you knew that he was very aware of you.

You noticed Marinette getting flustered as Max asked her what were in the bags. You patted her shoulders and replied for her.

"Her broken heart- I mean it's just some failed attempts at a new idea." You replied.

"Okay... Y/N..." Max was clearly weirded out. Everyone moved downstairs with Marinette's Parents waiting. Max started setting up the game and everyone cheered when he announced there were more characters. He explained about there were new moves and more levels.

"Okay let's start, who goes first?" Max asked.

"I think it's fair if the creator of the game and the owner of the house to play first." Marinette said as she handed Max and her Dad the game controllers.

After a few games. Everyone seemed to be exhausted of the game. Marinette's parents suggested that everyone except them take a walk to the park and have a picnic with the baked goods they made earlier.

You were excited because you would be able to talk to Juleka. As you were going to attempt a conversation with her Luka stood next to you. He had a kind smile but you still felt intimidated.

"I heard that you were mean to one of my sister's friends." He said. You swallowed and looked at him in the eye.

"Yes-" He interrupted you.

"Was it Marinette?" He asked, his eyes hardening. You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped your lips.

"Never in a million years. I was siding with Marinette. That friend, she's not a good person and if you don't believe me, ask Marinette." You replied and moved away from him. Then you stopped and looked back at him.

"If it was Marinette, why do you think I'm here? This is her house after all." You replied before catching up to the rest.

Marinette seemed to have noticed your disappearance and waited for you. She tapped your shoulder when you came past.

"Hey, what happened?" She asked.

"Luka thought I was mean to you. Juleka had told him I was mean to a friend. If I were you, I'd explain who Lila really is to Luka." You replied before catching up to Juleka and Max.

"So what did you think of the game, hey Y/N?" Max questioned.

"Mm? Oh, I thought it was great. I think you did a good job. Also Juleka nice skills. I can't believe you beat me." You said. Juleka looked at you for the first time since arriving. There was a mean look in her eye, but it contradicted the blush settling on her cheeks.

You wondered how soft her skin was. You wanted to reach out and feel the warmth of her blush. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a loud crash.

You stood up and realized it was an Akuma. You looked around and grabbed Juleka's hand. Max ran to hide behind the fountain. You pulled Juleka with you to the Merry go round and hid in it's shelter.

You looked and saw the akuma was a girl in green. She was somehow new. She turned around and her gaze set on you. You shriveled back into hiding and saw Juleka's calm face.

"You don't get scared easily do you?" You asked her with a smile. She looked at you then looked away.

The next moment the merry go round made a cracking and snapping noise. The middle piece had fallen over towards you two. You blocked it with your back, shielding Juleka.

"Go Juleka!" You said. If you were lucky enough you'd probably also vet to slip out if she moved fast enough.

"Wait, but then-" you narrowed your eyes and she nodded. She moved out and you followed. Your leg got hooked and you were brought down.

But luckily sooner than later, the ladybugs came and fixed everything up. You stood up and dusted yourself off.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Juleka asked, worried. You froze and stared at her. It felt odd seeing her worry. Her eyes had an apologetic touch while her eyebrows creased in worry.

"Yeah yeah. Are you?" You waved it off and looked at her with a smile.

Luka ran up to Juleka and pulled her into a hug. Marinette ran up to you and looked at your leg.

"Y/N are you ok!?" She asked, out of breath.

"Yeah I am, why?" You asked. She stared at your leg and you looked too. There was nothing wrong with it.

"I thought, never mind then. Let's go back to the picnic." You smiled at short marinette and patted her head.

"Aw sweet Mari." You smiled.

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