how you met

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on Instagram. he randomly went live with some people in the comments and you happened to be one of the last people he chose. you guys held a conversation well and you even made him laugh a few times which seemed pretty impossible. later that night he dmed you asking a question about something you mentioned in the live which sparked a list of conversations that continued through months.

his job. after soccer season is over, ale decided to get a job to make extra money at a retail store, a retail store you happened to shop at continuously. day by day he rang your items up asking you how was your day to be polite then blushing afterward then one day when you went to get a gift card from the store for a friend, he gave you a receipt to sign as well as proof of activation receipt. later that night you looked on the regular receipt only to see a number in slightly messy handwriting.

mattia. mattia met you through tiktok and soon you guys became great internet friends. he got so comfortable with you that he started FaceTiming you when he was around his friends. conversations would spark up about if you were single or talking to someone and the boys would always jokingly say you should get with alvaro when you responded with your single. eventually mattia gave alvero your number because he needed to "ask you a question" and he shot his shot through messages.

school. you were new at school and somehow landed into their friend group. first you weren't attracted to any of them int that way but as time went by kari had your heart. roshaun didn't notice that he had devolved feelings that were deeper than a friend level until he saw you caught up on his best friend. this lead him on a race to steal your heart back in hopes you didn't try to make a move on kari.

on vacation. your family decided to take you and your sibling(s) to bush gardens over the span of 5 days. while wandering the park for rides to ride you spot the same boy walking past every stop you made. being afraid to approach him due to fear of rejection you admired him from afar knowing you would never see him again. on the 3rd day of staying you guys happened to be in the same line which made the boy spark up a conversation. "have you rode this ride already? I feel like ive seen you here for the past 2 days so I'd imagine you've gotten on everything by now". this one sentence led to an exchange of numbers and riding all the rides with each other soon becoming the best of friends and later lovers.


a store. you happened to bump into him by accident while in the boys section looking for hoodies. you over hear his friends pressuring to go talk to you making your heart flutter at the mention. imagine someone being nervous to talk to you, that is a unexplainable feeling that boosts esteems. you wandered around aisles looking at random jackets after picking the hoodie you wanted just waiting for him to make a move and eventually he did.


hey y'all im new to the jersey boys fandom thing and i feel weird writing about boys around my age but i only saw like 4 imagine books for them that were regularly updated and that I liked  so i thought id take one for the team😔 if you guys want to look at my prettymuch imagines books to see what your in for have at it !

let me know if y'all want me to add someone or take someone out of this list.

if you have any plots that you want to read about let me know !!

tell me about yourself ! who's your favorite ?

any questions ?

hope y'all enjoy 🥺

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