They're so damn adorable.

"No," Parker and Roman yell in unison, Roman turning his head so fast Amelia gets a face full of his hair.

"Why on earth would you want a boyfriend?" Parker demands, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Cause look! They're so cute and sweet! And I want a pretty one," I whine, throwing my head back.

"No, because boys are disgusting and perverted! Nothing good ever comes with a boy!" Roman says quickly.

"I like you," Amelia offers.

"And I love you, just hold on a sec," he turns and kisses her nose before looking back at us.

"No! Boys are a no-no."

"But Lia's sixteen and you two are dating!"

"Seventeen!" She pipes in, grinning widely. I don't know who's side she's on, that son of a bitch.

"But you started dating when she was sixteen." I pout, making Parker nudge my arm.

"Don't make that face, you're not six."

"I just want a man to snuggle with and watch the office!"

"Fine," Parker snaps, looking down at Roman and Lia.

"Guys, do you ever just 'snuggle and watch the office'?"

"I mean, yeah." She says, shrugging.

"Roman, is there anything you do to Lia that you would kill another man for, if he did it to our little sister?" He demands.

I just roll my eyes and prop my chin up on my hand, sighing.

"Um, hell yeah." Roman says, nodding emphatically, and making her laugh loudly.

"Like, as of right now, my hand is on Amelia's ass and that would not slide."

She just blushes and shoves him away, throwing a glare his way.

"See? That's just basic boyfriend stuff. You cannot have a boyfriend." Parker tells me, propping his foot up on my stool and shoving more ice cream into his mouth.

"What? That's normal? Ew, Lia." I look back down to my still blushing friend who's clearly hitting Roman when he tries to hug her.

"No it's not normal, he's just being weird." She replies, eventually giving up and letting him smush her against his chest, her lips puffing out in a pout.

"Oh, please, Amelia. You have never, in the history of ever, thought that was weird." Roman says, smirking down at her.

"You've been found out!" Parker yells.

"Oh shut up,"

"Oh, hi Amelia, hey Roman." Winn says, looking over my shoulder.

"Mads said she wants a boyfriend!" Parker immediately says, looking up at him expectantly.

"Snitches get stitches." I hiss under my breath, kicking his foot.

"Woah, woah, woah, why on earth would you want one of those?" He asks, disgust on his face and in his tone.

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