[9] Stranger with a Stranger

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3rd POV

Twas a cold crisp night, and all through the apartment, not a creature was stirring, save for Arkin currently swinging a metal baseball bat violently at an intruder with a switchblade.

The ginger swung gracefully with a soft grunt, and the intruder dove to stab him. You sat on the couch, your eyes on a small black watch on your wrist. Arkin grunted once again, and the intruder lunged for you sitting peacefully. Arkin grabbed their collar and shoved them against the wall violently. He twisted the stranger’s arm behind their back and causing them to drop the switchblade. With a big goofy smile on his face, Arkin turned to you, slightly out of breath.

“How long was that?” Y/N smirked at him.

“Forty two point three seconds.” Arkin held the struggling stranger with one hand and pumped his fist with the other. With his free hand, he formed a fist and thumped it over the stranger’s head. With a loud crack, they fell to the floor unconscious. “Hm. Arkin, you’re getting faster at this.” Arkin smiled like a little kid on christmas.

Several months passed, and you and Arkin lived a specific way. Every once in a while someone would break into their apartment to try and kill Arkin. A gift from his sister. By now there wasn’t much that could surprise Y/N. You wouldn’t be surprised if the intruder was an alien with three heads and the body of a poodle.

Arkin was surprised at how chill and laid back you were with all of this. You found out his job technically consisted of identity fraud because he was remotely running a company halfway across the world under the name ‘Rashad Borskov’. He blackmailed people, hurt them, ruined people with a snap of his fingers. And you were more than happy to help him out. Like with Alex Xander.

Anyway, the holidays were coming and the temperature outside was dropping frantically.

Arkin, still holding the knocked-out intruder, being hauling the dead looking body to the couch where he took off the black mask of the person. You leapt out of the way of the limp body. It was a woman under the ski mask. Her light brown curly hair was pulled in a bun on the top of her head, and her cream coloured skin was nearly perfect, and her small button nose fit perfectly in the artwork of her face.

You stared in awe at the unconscious woman laying on the couch.

“Woah,” you muttered. Arkin glanced at you, then back at the woman.

“What do ya think?” Arkin asked. “Should we do what we did to the rest of them and tie her to the light pole down the street or what?” You shrugged and sat on the floor.

“I dunno. Your choice. She is kinda pretty, you know.” Arkin smirked down at the woman, not exactly smiling at her.

“Well, I guess you could say that.” You laughed quietly. “Who do you think she is?”

“Tch, why would I know?” Arkin momentarily raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side at the younger person’s comment. “Should we search her for an ID or something?”

“Why would she carry and ID with her when working on a hit?” Arkin said. You sighed at the ‘professional’ criminal. “Nah, I don’t know who she is.”

Every time someone broke into the apartment, you two would do something like this. Debate on who the person was, usually debate whether to search them for an ID, end up searching them for an ID, and usually strip them down to their undergarments and tie them to the light pole down the street with duct tape. But you’d never been attacked by such a pretty woman. What were you supposed to do? Arkin tapped his chin.

“You know, I almost feel bad about hitting her.”

“But she tried to kill you.”

“Yeah, I know, but still.”

“She slammed your face into the door.”

“Yeah, but-”

“And broke the coffee pot over your head.”

“Okay, true, but-”

“And nearly broke my watch.”


“And almost killed me.” Arkin opened his mouth to argue again, but gave up and sighed in defeat and hung his head.

“I guess you’re right. We should get rid of her.”

“Yeah, but we’re not going to put her outside naked, right?” Arkin nodded without a second thought. Of course, even a killer like him wouldn’t put a woman in danger. After she was disposed of, you changed into pajamas and went to bed, cuddling into Arkin’s side.

Perfect day.

Short and sweet.
Just kidding. Arkin is a salty bitch.

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Basically StrangersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ