Just a normal day.

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~Your Pov~

I sat in my chair as the professor kept talking in the front. The Christmas holidays we're about to start and I didn't feel like coming in for class anymore. "(L/n) please pay more attention" he scolded me as I looked at him. I gave a sigh and sat upright for the rest of class I tried paying more attention but as soon as the bell rang I made my way outside. The air was cool, winter hung in the air. It had snowed a few days ago and the trees were still heavy of its snow. I sat down on the bench as I watched the cars pass by slowly as I cluched my bag tightly to me and drank some hot tea I picked up on my way outside.

The tea tasted great and I was about to throw the paper cup away as crowds of people stampeded in the same direction. Of course, I paid no attention to it as I had to kneel down to pick up my cup that missed the bin. The collages evacuation siren started to sing loudly in my ears. " This is not a drill." The receptionist said over the intercom " Please evacuate in an orderly manner find your family and retreat to wall Maria. Please take enough supplies" she said in a panic. I watched as the people started to run. I myself never seen a titan before, I was blessed that my parents and I stayed in wall Sina before they were all extinct. I don't remember much of those times.

A few minutes had passed before I decided to get up. Making my way to the new mustang my parents bought me in the year I could feel the trembling on the ground as if it were footsteps. I didn't look back but heard a man curse under his breath, looking at him he was just a bit taller than myself. His raven hair made him look mysterious. He was actually really good looking. "Tch damned keys" he scoffed and kicked his car tires.

Realizing the trembling came closer I cleared my throat "Sir come get in here we must go." I said as I got in and watched him run and get in to, "Go...tch" he almost yelled and I shifted into gear and raced off. His door still open as he closing it. "We need to get some supplies..." I said as I turned down by the next lane. "don't have time for that." He yelled and yanked on the wheel making me swing in a different direction, I was about to say something but I stuttered. I've never seen anything so big in my life. I pushed the gas pedal to the floor as exhilarated speed. They were big humans... They were titans.

"We need to say clear off the roads that everyone would take. " He said as I drove avoiding cars and titans and buildings falling as I go all I could do was nod at him.  "There is a small town about half a days drive... We can stop there for supplies and refuel and rest."

I looked at him in amazement he still looked so you how does he know these things. I remember reading in a magazine about him. "Ackerman?" I whispered to myself as I followed his directions. "Call me Levi bra--" He said as he didn't finish his last words. I had to make a sudden left turn as a titan was blocking our way. "Hold on.," I said as the tires screeched across the tar road turning into the left lane I accelerated again making the car pull straight. "I'm (Y/) I introduced myself as I got back on the road he told me to follow.

~Levi's pov~

I hung on for dear life as this woman drove. " Danm you can drive good," I said to her as I looked at her she seemed tense, probably her first time seeing a titan. "I don't know where they came from but it's a two week trip with a vehicle." (Y/n) turned on the radio as we drove the road were less busy we were on now. " Still no one knows. How and why the Titans are back. Just make way to wall Sina..." The radio made static as the Titans probably took down the radio tower. "This is going to be a long and hard journey" (Y/n) whispered as she looked at me.

I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as i enjoyed writing it.

Thanks for reading 🤗

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