Trouble in paradise

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I woke up with a start to find a girl next to me.
She was lightly dozing against teh very comfy wooden chair.
I straightened myself and craned my neck to get a better look at her.
She had whitish blonde hair, which had turquoise blue highlights and greenishblue eyes.
She was really pretty
She woke up, slowly.
She saw me, and smiled, looking very pissed off.
"Ahhhhhhh. Seems the little fucker finally woke up. "
I opened my mouth to protest, but not b4 she stopped me.
"being woken up by an overgrown toddler at 2 am is one thing, but to watch a person sleep is another. Don't expect me to be ur Edward. " she said in an American accent, but somehow, it had a tad bit of Brit in it. Huh.
"I won't" I said smiling, for wat felt like that forts time in my life.
She smiled at me
I smiled back.
"My name is Addie." She said and held our her hand.
"Addie", I repeated," is that short for Addison?" I asked after shaking her hand.
"Not really. Adrianna"
"Sweet name"
She blushed.
It looked pretty contrasting with teh turquoise.
"Anyway, come on. Everybody's waiting for you" she quickly told me
She stood up, and gestured for me to come.
"When you say everybody, exactly who do you mean?" I asked, sort of worried.
"Don't worry. It's not them." She said as she helped me up and took my hand and walked me towards another room.
Damn. This girl understands me like shes my long lost twin. Hmmmmmmm.
Suddenly, I was hit by a pleasant tropical breeze. Mmmmm. Yum.
Seriously, it was delicious.
I almost licked the air
"Yo persassy!!!!" A voice screamed.
Why does this voice sound familiar?.
It sounds like the voice of someone who used to be my friend but then almost killed me.
It sounds familiar.
And I saw a sandyhaired Hermes jr.
"Luke?" I said confused.
"Yes, Luke. Iv missed u soooo bloody much!!!!!" He screamed at me as he pulled me into a tight hug. And when I say tight, I mean like really tight.
"Dude. The last tym I saw you, you wanted to kill me!"
"Meh. Dude, cum on, why aren't u over that now?"
"Over it? Luke, you almost killed me and annab-" I started off really pissed, but then ended sadly.
Luke looked at me pitifully. He then looked sadly at the ground.
"I know. Annabeth's been sort of a douchebag. So is Thalia. Iv been watching."
"Castellan, she is way more than a douchebag. Sh is so many things that I can't even list them, and let me tell you, none of them are good." I said angrily.
"It must be hard, breaking up?" Silena told me.
"What do you mean, breaking up? We never broke up, she cheated on me. Plus she's been a really big asshole lately."
"When I saw thy enemy, Bryan-" she said Bryan with such distaste you would thought she was struggling to say the word-"I knew that he was no good".
[Sorry. I don't read shakespere, so I don't really know how to speak zoë]
"Yes, it is Zoë. Why are thy surprised?"
"Zoë, you were turned into a bloody star! How can I not be surprised when u suddenly appear as a human! And that goes to all of you! Silena, Luke, zoë, Bianca?, And then becekndorf!, And-and-ETHAN?, How are you here???"
"The others are asleep. Dumbassses. But, anyways we all are alive bcuz of-drumroll please-Lord Chaos!!!" As he said this(Luke), he showed his hands towards the now open door.
And, yes, there stood lord chaos.
Took me a bit of time to process what the fvck was goin on.
I mean, you wouldn't be normal if suddenly, on your bday, your gf cheated on you, you get chased by horses(and pegasi), then u appear in some mansion/palace place, and some nice girl who apparently seems to be somewhat like a long lost twin takes you to a living room that's got delicious atmo, and introduces you to dead ppl. Oh, and you see Lord Chaos.
Except he told me not to call him that.
He told me to call him chaos.
And if u ask me, its just the same.
But then again, if someone called me lord perseus, let's just say I wouldn't be too happy either.
And also, chances of someone calling me Lord Perseus is extremely nil.
Especially after the incident.....
Oh wait, I'd didn't get to that part, did I?
Well, enough with recaps, let's get to the real deal....
It all started when I blacked out that gloomy morning....

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