Chapter Two: Home Wrecker to the Rich and Famous

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It had been three days. Three days since my parents left me here alone. Three days without any food. Three days full of silence, sadness, and desperation. I honestly don't think I can continue lke this. Of course I can't. You can't live without food! I'm only sixteen also which means I can't live without some decent guardians. Someone needs to freaking take care of me!

"How do these people not notice I'm, like, freaking dying over here," I muttered, flipping off the window I was close to. It was pointless to do so, considering the blinds hid what was outside. I rolled my eyes and looked around the cheap, two bedroom apartment that I lived in, in Camden, New Jersey. The walls were nearly caving in and were chipped. There were no TV's, food, air conditioning, nor electricity. The water would soon go off and I'd be left with nothing.

Love you too, Mom and Dad. You guys are just great. You know, I'm doing perfect by the way, thanks for calling or at least leaving me some food before you disappeared.

I dropped my pathetic body onto the beat-up couch, ignoring the rumble in my stomach. I was about to fall into a miserable sleep when harsh knocking echoed throughout the apartment. My eyes snapped open and sat up. Could they have come back?

"What am I thinking? Anyway parents that would leave that kind of note wouldn't come back unless they left a pair of their favorite shoes." I rolled my eyes once more at my stupid thought of them coming back. I let my gaze drift to the piece of crap I call a door. Then, who the heck is out there? No one knows I live here.

"Open up! Police!"

Oh, dear. I slowly made my way to the door, crawling on my hands and feet. How classy.

"Open up, or we'll come in by force."

Everyone just loves to hear that! I rose slightly to my feet, and grasped the doorknob. I pulled it open and came face-to-face with two policemen. One had shaggy blonde hair, that desperately needed a trim by the way, and was scrawny-looking. The other had dark brown hair, styled in a way that looked like he had just woken up, and a stronger build.

"C-Can I help you..?" I asked, hating myself for stuttering.

The scrawny officer pushed past me, "Is anyone else here?"

"Uh...well..." Do I even mention my parents? Parents. I inwardly scoffed at the word. Parents are supposed to be people who love you and take care of you. Those people definitely don't fall under that category.

"No...there isn't.." I told them, leaning against the wall in fear I might pass out.

"Of course..." the scrawny officer grumbled, sending me a slightly concerned look.

"They got away," the other officer growled, clenching his fists.

"Who? Are you sure you have the right hous-"

"Listen, Missy, your parents are crooks."


"They've been doing that all this time? And I never freaking new...?" I whispered, shocked at the new information. I need to have a chit-chat with some eye doctor because apparently I have vision problems.

"Yes," the scrawny officer nodded. Officer Burk, the scrawny officer's name tag pointed out, and I were seated on the torn-up couch, while the other officer, Officer Price, paced around the room.

"Wha--What's going to happen to me now?" I asked them, gathering up my thoughts. I looked up at them, curiously.

"Due to the lack of paid bills, this is all going to be evacuated. We'll be searching through everything to see if they may have left behind something that could help us track them," Officer Price informed.

"You, on the other hand, will be sent to Los Angeles."

"Los Angeles...?" I asked, making sure I heard them correctly. Los Angeles, California? No freaking way.

"To go live with the Woods family," Officer Burk helped.

"Who are they?" I asked, raising a brow. Woods? What kind of last name is that?

"Very rich, very famous. I would ask you how you don't know that, but by the lack of TV, and any other sort of communication, I'd be wasting my time," Officer Price said, glancing around the place in disgust.

Well, who pissed in your cheerios, mister?

"But that'll change in the Woods' house. Their mansion has more technology than anyone else in the United States," Officer Burk reassured.

"Why are they taking me in when they don't even know me?"

"Well, you see, your parents and the Woods family have some interesting history. They used to be close friends in high school, until two years ago when your mother tried to have an affair with Mr. Woods. When Mr. Woods turned your mother down, your mother apparently got furious and stole from them with the help of your father," Officer Price explained.

Wow, my mother was trying to be a home wrecker to the rich and famous.

"Then why do they want the thief-slash-cougar's daughter living with them?" I asked, trying to put together the puzzle that is my life.

"Aria, just because they're your parents doesn't mean that you're going to follow in their footsteps, does it? Heck, you didn't even know they were crooks till just now," Officer Burk chuckled at the last part.

"Mrs. Woods will be out here tomorrow to help you pack your stuff...Whatever that might be," Officer Price informed examining the practically empty house.

"When will I be leaving?"

"Tomorrow," they both answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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