Chapter Three - An Undeniable Force

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As the dragonhawk circled slowly to land on the northern docks of Quel'Danas, Thireu was dismayed by how many demons and Scourge she had seen battling within the island's section of the Dead Scar during her flight. If that many still remained after years of battle and the latest larger effort to drive the Legion out, she wasn't certain it was a war that could be won. That didn't mean she was giving up before she started, but she seriously doubted she'd purchased enough supplies for the task ahead.

When the dragonhawk descended to the flight master and hovered just above the ground so she could dismount, Thireu did so quickly and unburdened the creature of the four heavy packs she'd strapped to it. She'd had Cloak with her in Silvermoon City to carry the packs, but she'd left her mana saber behind feeling he'd be safer in the blood elf city for now. Without her mount, she'd have to carry the bags one at a time unless she enlisted some magic to help her.

Thireu was about to summon chi to help lighten the bags when the dock boards beneath her shook a bit and she heard the sound of heavy hooves approaching. Confused, she turned and discovered the large form of a male draenei approaching her. He was as muscled and broad as all male draenei were with very pronounced head ridges and gleaming, ornate looking armor denoting him as part of the Shattered Sun Offensive. "Ah! A new recruit bearing supplies. Let me help you with those, little nightborne." His words flowed with the familiar accent of the draenei people.

            Thireu didn't really like being called "little" but looking at the towering draenei, she supposed the term fit

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Thireu didn't really like being called "little" but looking at the towering draenei, she supposed the term fit. "Thank you," she said with a smile as the draenei easily slung all four bags over his wide shoulders. "I am Thireu."

"Welcome to Quel'Danas, Thireu. I'm Drill Sergeant Bahduum. I'm in charge of all new recruits in the Shattered Sun Offensive." The man's chest seemed to grow even broader in pride as he led the way from the docks to the Sun's Reach Sanctum.

"That is lovely for you, Drill Sergeant, but I am not a new recruit. I came at the request of the Illidari." The draenei man abruptly stopped in front of her and she was almost afraid he was going to drop her bags in disgust or something. To her surprise, when he turned around he was grinning in pleasure.

"You are the monk Denzarus told me about!" His smiled widened, which was something Thireu hadn't thought possible. "Come, little monk, I will take you to the Illidari camp."

Wondering what Denzarus had said about her and if her nickname was forever going to be "little monk" among everyone she met, Thireu followed Bahduum a short distance to the familiar dark blue and green tents the demon hunters preferred for their settlements. They were set up within the shadow of one of the cylindrical blood elf buildings and she couldn't blame them for wanting to stay out of the glaring sun of these lands. To her dismay, there weren't very many tents and not a great many demon hunters either. Were they all off currently fighting demons?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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