22. Daze

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His gleaming eyes meet mine and then down to my dress; which he frowns at. I didnt mean for any of this to happen; not one bit of it...but of course it did. Edward hates me and it's all my fault.

Jacob brings me in through the wide door and Edward leads the way into the same room I had delievered Caleb in.

I'm placed roughly on the bed and it hurts my back a ton.

"Jacob!" I yell out groaning along the way.

"Sorry Bella," he tells me fast, before he's pushed aside a bit. I groan out in pain as Carlisle tries to fix me up.

****Jacob's P.O.V****

I really did love the party; but I knew Bella was a little shaky with it. When she told me she was going to be back, I had thought nothing of the sorts she was going to get hurt! It makes me angry just to think about it now...

"Jacob!" Alice yells directly to me. I turn away from my conversation and see something much worse than I had thought. In my mind I thought Alice was over-reactioning over something like a spilled drink or stupid stuff like that. But when I saw my Bella, face cut and bleeding, dress ripped and splatted with blood....I didnt know what to think! I was in pure shock to what had happened.

"Bells what happened?" I ask brushing aside the hair in her eyes. I want to know but she only gives a cough in return leaning more into me. It's then when I'm worried for her.

"Bring her to Carlisle." Alice says letting her go and heading back for the bathroom. I keep wondering what happened; but I shouldnt be concerned with that right now. It's Bella I need to be concerned with.

I try to switch her into a different angle by my side, but she only screams in pain. Oh god!  I think to myself as I watch her parents come up from behind the crowd.

"Bella sweetie it's okay." Renne says kindly, as I pick her up -craddling her in my arms- and heading for the car. My head is rushing as I try to shove aside everyone forming around my wife.

"Get out of my frickin' way!" I yell, finally getting out of the building. I search for our car and plop her down in the passengers seat; buckling her in as well. I slam the door shut and race around to my seat, hitting the peddle was fast as it can go. She looks horrible and sick to her stomach, so I have to get the question out of my head. "What happened?"  She takes a second to adjust her angle to me but soon she stutters it out.

"I-I was in the-the bathroom."

"I know that part...what about the rest?" I ask impatiently. I can tell she wants to say something but she seems in too much pain for that.

Soon I pull up to the Cullen's and slam on the brakes- by force of habit. I race out of my seat and over to her's, picking her back up in the process. When I turned I really should have been expecting it, but I wasnt...Edward was there holding open the door. I race through it; ignoring the way he glared at Bella and he led the way to a room. It was the same one Bella had given birth in; yet not as bloody...and not so many bloodsuckers around.

I tried to place her gently on the bed, but my hands started shaking and I dropped her a bit.

"Jacob!" she yells at me as she groans out.

"Sorry Bella," I tell her fast before Carlisle pushes me aside roughly. I bet he thinks this is my fault or something...though it's not!

Edward keeps a fair glare glanced upon her before he speaks.

"I'll go get her some better clothing." I dont hesitate since I'm not leaving her, and watch as he glides out of the room.

I move around to the other side of the bed and hold her hand gingerly as Carlisle works on cleaning her up.

"Looks like she'll need some stitches on one of her cuts, but it's nothing to worry about." he tells me...or at least I think  he's speaking to me. It's so hard to know, and I keep thinking he's talking to himself or something?

About five minutes pass and Edward comes darting in back, handing the clothes to me. At first I look at them as if I had no clue what to do next; but soon I got it.

"Oh..." I say quietly to myself, grabing the clothes. I watch Edward grin as if I'm stupid or something. "What's wrong with you?" I ask, looking directly his way. He doesnt loose it, yet brings it on more.

"Some times you wolves need a little push." he says making me shake with frustration. I can't believe he's actually saying this! Fricken' bloodsuckers. I think to myself while watching his eyes glare upon me. Yeah I'm talkin about you. I think again, making him dart off without question. I take my mind off him and his snide comments and study more on Bella. She looks better than before as Carlisle already washed the blood away, and is working on stitching up the cut in her lower cheek. I know she's awake- though her eyes are closed- so I just rub her arm.

"How was the wedding?" Carlisle actually asks looking over at me. I hestiate at first but find the words to speak.

"Why you askin?" he looks at me as if I've said a horrible word and then straightens back up as he finishes the last stitch.

"Just curious. You know vampires do have that feeling." he tells me. I scuff ignoring him completely and setting the mood on something else.

"So what's all wrong with her; other than the stitches?"

"A few bruises and a damaged back bone; but it could be worse. She's going to be bed bound for a couple days. It's a good thing Alice didnt throw her back any harder than she already had." he tells me standing up and heading to the door.

"Wait! Alice did this to her?" I ask about to blow my cool. Carlisle chuckles telling me the whole thing. At first I had no idea what to think. Malia had done this to Bella? To my wife? It didnt seem like a thing in which could really happen; but it seemed to. The worst part was that I wasnt there to protect her; Alice was. I was off goofing around with all my stupid drunk friends.

"How do you know this?" I ask giving him weird stare. His eyes meet mine before he speaks.

"Edward saw what Alice had seen in her vision." he says calmly. This isnt a new thing to my ears. I mean I didnt know Alice could see the future; but I did know Edward could read thoughts. It shocks me to think these bloodsucking demons are actually useful for something other than killing things! "I better get out so she can change." he tells me closing the door fast behind his feet. I sigh and wake her up; helping her with the clothes situation.

After a good ten minutes of struggling she's all good...

"Thanks." she says quietly between her teeth. I nod giving her a short kiss on the forehead. "Can you call my parents?" she asks lying back down. "Tell them I'm okay." I nod standing up from my kneeling postion and leave the room.

****Bella's P.O.V****

Jacob had woke me up from my dazed stupor I had been in before. Everything was still a bit blurry but he helped me put on different clothes.

"Thanks." I say softly through my teeth. He kisses me gently on the forehead; sending a warm wave through me. I always love his kisses; even if they arent revolving around my lips. "Can you call my parents?" I ask lying down completely in the soft bed. "Tell them I'm okay." I know they must be worried sick, same with everyone else.

Jacob nods standing up from beside me and leaves the room. I can still hear him outside the door though as he uses the Cullen's old wire phone.

"Hey it's Jacob." he says after dialing. There is a long wait but soon he speaks again.

"Yeah she's fine now. Just..tripped in the bathroom. Hit her head on the sink and such." he says, me not knowing if he knows the whole story or not.

"Sure we're at the Cullen's." he responses fast before hanging up and shoving the old phone back into it's place on the wall. He walks back into the room with a slight smile before sitting on the rim of the bed. "They wanted to come see you." he replies brushing through my hair. I sigh and then nod.

"Alright, but you do know I didnt slip and fall in the bathroom... right?" I ask. He nods, but then immediately stops as he turns to the door.

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