the lies we tell

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Once it comes out it can never go back
It's puffed it's mighty chest with air
Taking wind through the halls 
If only we knew what it could do
We wouldn’t have unlocked it from its case
Set it free to roam and there it goes
Stalking through the darkness 

It leaves a trail of tears and broken hearts in its wake
We gave it life and it’s taken its true form
The hairs on the back of our necks standing straight
Those little white things that we curse in the night
We hideaway by the light as if it will protect us
“They stay in the dark,” but what if we shine a light
Upon the ugliness, we spread throughout the world

They will crush us all if we get to close
Showing no mercy for the weak and innocent 
They do not separate the guilty from the innocent 
We think nothing of them they will not hurt us
They come back for us teeth-baring wild
Out for blood giving anything to sink their teeth in 
Fueled by anger and hatred for all of humanity

It all started when that falsehood fell from your lips 
They find friends to make themselves stronger
Wait for when you are down and wounded 
Howling out with venom on their teeth 
Ready to finish you off the weak will not survive
For they were stronger than you thought

Thoughts Of A TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now