XII. Home Invasion

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"You think we were too harsh?" Freddy asks

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"You think we were too harsh?" Freddy asks. "No way! He totally deserved it! He was being a real dick."

"I'm just really worried he's gonna do something stupid." Freddy rambles. "He's billy, of course he's gonna do something stupid."

Freddy chuckles, then shrugs. "I guess you're right." He smiles. "I know I'm right, Freeman."

All of a sudden, a loud shattering of glass is heard from the building behind. Freddy and Blue spin around. "Billy?" Freddy calls out, watching him fly out of the building.

"Freddy! Blue! I need your help!" Billy screams. "You can fly?!" They both exclaim. Before they could say another word, billy is attacked and shot into the ground, leaving a huge hole. Which they both peer into.

"Who's the other guy?" Freddy calls, yet gets no response. "Holy shit.." Blue mutters in disbelief. "Come on! We have to find him!" Freddy grabs her arm, quickly pulling her to the nearby shopping center. It's the only place Billy could have ended up.

"Jeez, Freeman. Slow down! How are you so fast?" She struggles to keep up as he speeds away. "Billy!" He begins calling. "Billy!" Blue joins.

"ElectroLoser! Hello?"


"Dude! Billy!"

"Billy, where are you?!"

As they watch everyone evacuate, a tall man approaches the two, pulling them to the side. Blue screams as he pins the two against the lockers, not allowing them to move.

"Who are you?" She asks fearfully. "Billy. Where is he?" He asks angrily, removing his sunglasses, revealing his terrifying eyes. He had quiet the stereotypical supervillain appearance.

"Supervillain." Freddy mutters. "Supervillain! Supervillain!" He screams. "Holy shit, Freeman. Calm yourself. Yelling that won't help us." Blue places a hand on her forehead in annoyance.

"Worse. Much worse." The man adds. "Radioactive anthromorph?" Freddy questions. "Oh god.." Blue sighs. "I'm so sorry about him, sir."

"Psychic energy manipulator?! I won't let you read my mind! My mind is blank! You can't get in!" He rambles. "I don't have to read your mind." He slams him against the locker once more.

"Because you're gonna tell me. Where is he?" He repeats. "And why would we do that?" Blue asks. The man drops Freddy, kneeing him in the gut. Freddy falls to the ground, clutching his stomach. "Freddy!" Blue bends down, crouching beside him. "I can do much more than that."

"Freddy, are you okay?" She asks worriedly. "I'm fine. Just, severely bruised and in a great amount of pain." He groans.

The three of them arrive at the Vasquez residence. The man, who they now know as Thaddeus Sivana, rings the doorbell. "Please, you don't understand. There's young children in that hou-" Blue is cut off by Thaddeus' hand covering her mouth, which she rolls her eyes to.

Darla opens the door, a questioning look. "Freddy? Blue?" She asks, backing away fearfully. Thaddeus pushes them inside. "Oh, how quaint. Actually, I take that back. What a shit hole." He says.

"You won't get away with th- ow!" Blue shouts as Freddy stomps on her foot with his crutch. "Stop talking. That never ends well in the comics."

"Call billy." Thaddeus orders Freddy, who quickly takes out his phone. "Freddy, you were right. Sorry I yelled at you." Billy says into the phone, sighing.

Thaddeus snatches the phone away. "Come home, billy. Come home."

"Billy! Supervillain! Supervillain!" Freddy panics loudly, hoping he'd hear.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Mary asks as they all sit on the couch, huddled up together. "What do I want? I want..." he trails off, watching as billy crashes into the front yard. "That."

"Woah." Eugene exhales in amazement. "Kick his ass, Billy!" Blue shouts. At that comment, Sivana used his hand, releasing one of the sins to guard the children. "Yes, billy. Try it, by all means."

"Damn it. I have to learn when to shut up." Blue sighs. "Let them go and I'll come inside!" Billy calls. "No, first you come inside, then maybe I'll let them go." Sivana argues.

"Maybe?" Blue asks, but then screams as the sin roars at them. Freddy grabs onto the girl, holding her tightly as she does the same. "I think it's best if you just don't say anything." He whispers. "Good idea." She replies.

Billy gives in, and enters. The sun returns back to Sivana, relieving the others. "Good boy. Because that's all you are, isn't it?" Sivana approaches Billy.

"How old are you?" He asks. "Basically 15." Blue opens her mouth to make a stupid joke, but Freddy quickly covers her mouth, knowing what would come.

"Thanks." She nods to him. The man grabs Billy's face, examining it carefully. "When I was a child, the old man told me I wasn't good enough. And here you are, a coward. Run from me? And that wizard chooses you. You're not a hero. But I'm gonna give you the opportunity to be one."

"He can't just say that to him." Blue whispers to Freddy in frustration. "Don't say a word, blue. You're only gonna make it worse." He responds. "But he's such an asshole!"

"That's What supervillains are supposed to do." Freddy shrugs. "Give me the power of a champion." Sivana says. "No, don't do it, Billy!" Freddy shouts. "Don't speak. You're only gonna make it worse, you say." Blue mocks, rolling her eyes.

The man walks to the side, creating a sort of code on the closet door. Billy stares at it, intrigued as the door opens, revealing a dark cave.

"Give me the power, and I'll let them go." Darla runs up, hugging billy. "Darla, no." Mary runs after her. "Don't! Don't go, billy! Don't go!" She cries. Mary grabs onto the young girl, pulling her away.

"No, no, I- I have to, I have to, it's... it's what a good brother would do, right?" Billy asks hesitantly, beginning to walk towards the small door. "Billy." Blue falls.

Him and Sivana enter, leaving the rest in silence.

"Grab any weapons, guys. This isn't over."

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 [F.Freeman]Where stories live. Discover now