Pride and Feelings

Start from the beginning

You frowned deeply as you couldn't help but feel slightly angry as well. What was even his deal?

"Katsu, stop! Not everything is about you and your crazy rivalry with Izuku! His quirk has nothing to do with you" you told him, now glaring back at him. "If you are worried about not having a victim to bully anymore – newsflash! Bullying is uncool and never welcome, so stop doing that" you added, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"You don't fucking understand but it's always been like that. Everything being about me? As if! All you see is fucking Deku anyway. Your world circles around this shitty nerd, so don't even act like I've ever had even a chance" he spat, small explosions are now coming from his palms as his glare became even more aggressive.

"What chance? I don't even know what you want from me! Izu-chan is my best friend since childhood so obviously he is important to me!" You were as dense as ever as it came to his real emotions but he already accepted that you wouldn't pick up on any hints he threw your way.

"Whatever. This is stupid. You don't understand anyway. Tell the shitty nerd that this will change nothing. He always has been and always will be a loser" with that Katsuki turned around and walked down the hallway without looking back once, leaving you there.

You were so confused since you weren't able to understand him. It had always been the same. When the three of you were kids, you didn't get why he was so keen on putting down Izuku at every chance he got. Growing up, you didn't get why he went even so far as to bully the poor boy even more and tell him horrible things.

More recently his attitude, especially towards you became so ambivalent you couldn't keep up. After kindergarten you had to admit you hadn't been found of the blond. He became a bully and you didn't want to put up with that. All this had reached its peak when he told your best friend to jump off the roof.

But then the incident with the villain had happened.

The aggressive, fool-mouthed, narcistic boy had jumped in to protect you and for the first time since you had been in kindergarten you had thought: "Maybe there was a good heart underneath this tough front"

Your relationship took a new turn and even though it annoyed you that he still picked on Izuku, you tried to see the good in the boy – the side he showed you when he was protecting you.

It had worked out for some time as you realized that he wasn't too bad after spending time together but today everything went down the hill and you were honestly disappointed.

You thought you could become friends but today he clearly told you off. The worst thing were your mixed feelings. You couldn't help but feel guilty about this whole thing, even though he was the one to confront you and act like you stabbed him in the back.

"Why is he so complicated?" you whispered to yourself as you slowly made your way to leave the building.

"Maybe he just needs time" you thought.


You were so wrong. You were seriously wrong. Together with your new classmates you were watching the fight between Izuku and Katsuki through the screen of the monitory room and you couldn't help but be extremely worried.

The training was supposed to be a heroes vs. villains match with the goal for the heroes to reach a bomb look-alike while the villains were supposed to protect it. All this happened in a building. But it had turned rather personal real fast between the green haired boy and the blond. Your hands covered your mouth as you watched how the explosion boy was seemingly trying to kill your best friend.

Izuku and Ochako as heroes were against Katsuki and Tenya as villains. While Tenya still waited in the room with the bomb, Katsuki had rushed where Izuku and Ochako would be but obviously his only target was the green eyed boy since he ignored the brown haired girl completely. She was able to slip past Katsuki, not surprisingly, so now she was up against Tenya while Izuku somehow tried to not get killed by his childhood bully.

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