78. friday, november 2016

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, almost forgot." She played along. He smirked and shrugged playfully.

"It's alright. Don't let it happen again though, yeah?" He bit his lip, staring at her. She rolled her eyes and walked into their bathroom to start doing her make up.

"Are you doing anything today?" She asked. He collapsed back onto the bed.

"Sound check at five so I'll go over when you leave. Be early for once." He stared at the ceiling of their bedroom and threw his arms above his head. His life was exactly where he wanted it to be. She didn't reply for a few moments, presumably focusing on her makeup, he didn't mind though.

"I'll run straight over as soon as the interviews over." Her voice was seemingly closer so he raised his head to see her walking towards him. She crawled over him and kissed him a few times.

"Okay." He mumbled.

"You should probably get ready. I have to leave soon." She told him. He nodded, kissing her a few more times.

"Well you see, I'm in a bit of predicament since there's a girl on top of me." He smiled cheekily. She gasped dramatically.

"Who is she?" She feigned anger, making him laugh. She rolled off him and now it was her turn to watch him get ready.

He seemed so effortless, just puts on some clothes and deodorant and boom his body was ready. It was the hair that made them late for everything. He had somehow got it into his head that if his hair looked like shit his career was over. Luna wondered if he ever would snap one day and shave it all off just as a big fuck you to the people who write articles on his hair religiously.

"Read-eh." He did a spin as he walked out of the bathroom. Luna clapped him, standing up to meet him.

"What a pair, eh?" She turned him slightly so he could see them next to each other in the mirror.

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the reflection. He placed his hand around her waist and pulled her to his side, they looked so good together. His hand fumbled in his pocket and pulled out his phone but his hand was too beefy and it fell on the floor.

"Christ, Alexander." She laughed, picking it up for him.

"I just wanted to take a picture." He replied honestly. She kissed his cheek in adoration and handed the phone back to him. "You take it." He nodded to her.

She held the phone up and snapped a photo of themselves standing arms around each other with goofy smiles on their faces.

"Send me it." She requested, handing it back.

"Ah, you'll have to show me how to do that later." He chuckled, slipping the phone back in his pocket and letting go of her. She laughed, hitting his chest playfully.

"You really a dinosaur" she teased. He raised his eyebrows.

"A fit dinosaur, you mean." He corrected, following her out of their room and downstairs.

"Careful, your 2014 is showing." She warned. He gasped, clutching his chest.

"Wow." He shook his head at her cheap insult.

Alex dropped Luna off at her interview with a quick kiss and a good luck before driving off to his sound check with Alexandra.

Luna walked into the cafe they had agreed to meet at and saw the man her and Alex had googled already sat at a two person table in the corner of the room.

She walked slowly towards him, seeing the tape recorder laid out on the surface in front of him. He looked just as he did online as expected, serious and put together but his expression changed as soon as he laid eyes on her. A wide smile spread across his face, scaring her slightly.

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