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   Their everywhere. Under your bed, in your closets, hidden by shadows and travels through the air and by land. But....they are not monsters. They are called Arachnids. Spiders.

   You sit on your bed, smiling as your friends tell you jokes and stories over the laptop. Being the teen you were, you had locked the door for privacy and had headphones on.

   Suddenly, you hear something in the headphones, behind the loud music. You pause the music. Now, you can hear it clearly. Scratching and tics, almost like a bug.

   You take the headphones off quickly, showing nothing in them. But the sounds kept going, now making your ears itch. Of course, you scratch feeling something fall onto your hands. You look, then scream at the sight of small spiders crawling around on it.

   The sounds grew louder, louder and louder still.

    Suddenly, the sounds stop. All you hear is the laptops soft hum and the birds outside. You sigh in relief as the spiders on your hand weren't there. Only my imagination, you think to yourself.

   You finish up with the laptop and go down to dinner only to freeze when you see a small black spider on the door handle.

    A month later, police pull you from your bed. You, your eyes glazed over in webs, along with your mouth. Spiders, are everywhere as they crawl in and out of your neck, nose, andears. Them and their scawny legs, coal black eyes, and venom is fangs crawling around the walls,floor, and your cold corpse.

   Your parents mourn your death. But no one will ever forget how you killed your self; sewing your mouth and eyes closed, then cutting your throat. No one listened when you rambled on and one about the spiders that no one else saw. The spider in your food. In your hair. In your head. No one ever understood.

            Fear of spiders

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