Chapter 5

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(Christian P.O.V)

I was still a little skeptical on what Chase wants. He said he wants a friendship with me but I was still nervous. My feelings for him have not changed in the slightest I noticed that much already. Also though, I was still just weary. If all this turned out to be just a sick joke I wouldn't know how to handle it.

I still want to give him a chance though. I want to know the real Chase. Not the teenage bully from high school, but the man now who claims to have changed and wants a real friendship.

A couple of days have passed since we saw each but he texts me constantly. All the time unless he was at his job. I have learned that he designs many different types of buildings for people who are looking to start their own business and he is very good at it. He has sent me pictures of resturaunts and hotels and even small cafes that he has designed for people and they were amazing.

I in return have sent him many pictures of my drawings and tattoo designs that I have drawn for people and some tattoos that I have done on people. Especially the one I was most proud of. It was a full back piece that I did for a woman with a beautiful meaning behind it.

She wanted on here left shoulder a dream catcher with four wolves in it. Two, a black wolf and gray wolf that had beautiful blue eyes, that were in the center of the dreamcatcher represented her parents and below were two small wolves represented her and her brother. Wolves stayed close together. They hunted together and they protected each other and she said that her and her family were like that. Dreamcatchers were a positive symbol and gave you sweet dreams and everyone around you sweet dreams as well.

Where the two wolves were that represented her and her brother I placed rocks there to incorporate her ocean scene she wanted. Not an under water scene but a night ocean scene. Her lower back I placed the sand and center back was where the water was. The water was dark blue and highlighted from the moonlight. It looked like you could rub her back and feel the water ripple across your finger tips. The moon was on her right shoulder and tiny stars were across her upper back. It was beautiful when I finished and so realistic. It seemed as though I could feel the ocean and touch the wolves when I finished. I asked her the meaning behind all this and her meaning was amazing.

"I am like a wolf and believe like the ocean. Like the wolf I protect who is close to me and will never hurt them and fight for them no matter what. And like the ocean I accept everyone no matter who they are or where they come from. I welcome them with open arms. And the without darkness we would never have a star to wish upon or the light of the moon to think with or stare at or wonder if the one your thinking of can see it too." she said and smiled at me.

I never saw her again but someday I hope I will again.

I felt my phone buzz againist my leg and I picked it up to see a text from Chase.
Chase: Hey what's up?
Christian: Laying in my bed bored! xP
Chase: I just got home from work!
Chase: I'm bored now too. I have to re-read building plans and get them sent off to people.
Christian: Well you better get started and quit texting me then! Lol
Chase: I don't wanna...
Christian: Don't be a baby. The faster you start the quicker you will be done.

I waited for a moment but he didn't respond right away. I was a little disappointed to be honest. He was fun to text and his texts always made me smile or laugh. I felt my phone buzz and I read his text.
Chase: So mean! Gosh !! Dx
Christian: Oh stop and get to work Chase!
Chase: Okay fine.

After that he never responded. I got up and went to take a shower. I stood under the water and let my mind drift to Chase again. I wonder if our friendship could turn into more? Chase has never mentioned a girl friend to me during our conversations; but the subject has never been brought up either.

In fact past or recent relationships has not been brought up by either of us. It was like we were avoiding the topic all together. I was honestly scared to ask him about his relationships. I was scared I would discover the answer I didn't want.

So for the moment I was content to just wonder about him. I wonder what he his like in his relationships. Is he the clingy type? Jealous? Affectionate? Passionate? Wild? I want to know everything about him. I want him for myself.

When I got out of the shower and dressed I still had no response from him. I layed back down on my bed and just waited. My phone buzzed againist my leg again and I quickly grabbed it.
Chase: Completely brain dead here.
Christian: Oh no! Whatever will I do to save you!
Chase: Such a smart ass.
Christian: :) I know. And you should too.
Chase: I know lol believe me how could I not remember?
Christian: What can I say? I have a way with words.
Chase: Oh yes you do. I am going to sleep now. Text you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Christian: Sweet dreams.

I reply back to him and set my phone on the floor.

I turn on my side and close my eyes. Behind my closed lids all I see is Chase. Every detail I memorized of him I see and I can't wait until the next time I see him.

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