Chapter 4

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(Christian P.O.V)

I am very confused at the moment. A week had passed since I last saw Chase and I thought the first time would be the last time. Now here he comes waltzing into the bar asking me to take a break for him. So me; being the curious person I am, ask my boss for a break and end up with the rest of the night off.

He wants to go to a more quieter place and I couldn't blame him for that. The music gets very intense here and can be nerve wracking to your ears. I can blame myself for offering to go back to apartment though, why would I do that? I am nervous enough just looking at him; being alone with him is a whole different scene. What if he wants to beat me up again? I was never mad at him for doing it because I over heard others conversations about his home life; but I could be understandably annoyed with him.

Years have passed though and I licked my wounds clean. I had other problems to worry about more than dealing with a couple slaps to the face.

Now I have to deal with him all over again. The pull I feel for him is still there after all this time and I feel like a teenager again. Instead of walking through hallways though we are pushing our way through a crowd of drunk people who are moving their bodies in various directions.

One woman thrusted her body back and knocked my body into Chase's arms. His arms tightened around me slightly when I tried to move away and I giggled.

"Sorry!" I shouted over the music.

When we finally made it passed all the people and to his car I became very nervous. Not about my apartment because I knew I lived in a nice complex. Not to rich but not run down either. Very average and affortable for me. I was nervous because this was Chase. The boy I had loved since I was fourteen until we graduated together. He had disappeared after graduation and I never really knew where he had gone to. My best friend Josh had told me later that he heard he had moved out of his parents house and just left.

I never knew where he went though. After a while I never really thought about him anymore. Sometimes I would wonder where he went to but I never dwelled on those thoughts because I knew no matter what I could never have him and he would never want me either. I focused on myself and my health. I had to focus on beating the odds and living my life to the fullest because I didn't know how much time I would have or if I even had time.

When I did beat the odds I focused on building my own career and becoming an artist. I got my tattoo license and went to work at a well known popular shop. The man who owned the shop was and amazing artist and was picky on who he let work at his shop. So after many canvas practices and him looking through my portfolia of drawings I was hired and soon after my best friend Sarah was too. Together we built up our clientelle and became successful in what we do. I became the tattoo artist and she did the piercings. We shared most clienttle and have some of our own who preferred either tattoos or piercings.

Now here I was four years later at the age of twenty-two happy and healthy and Chase comes barging back into my life comsuming my thoughts again. I don't even know what his purpose is either. Does he want to hurt or does he want some kind of closure with me?

I escorted him into my home and into my living room. We sat there in an akward silence until he stood to look at my self portriats.

After a while of talking about highschool I couldn't take it anymore. The anticipation was killing me.

"So why are you here to see me Chase? You here to smack me around?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound so serious or hateful but I need to know.

After a moment of thinking of his answer he looked up at me.

"No. I want a second chance to be your friend Christian." he said.

"I don't want a friendship out of past pity or guilt." I said.

"It's not out of pity or guilt. I am sorry for what I did to you but that is in the past. I really would like a friendship with you Christian. A real one." he said to me. I thought about it for a moment. What could it hurt? I really would like to get to know him better.

"Okay. Maybe things will be better this time around." I smiled at him.

"I hope so. I really am not a bad person." he said to me.

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that." I say to him.

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