Chapter 14

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Sam's pov:

After a week in the hospital, Colby was finally let out. I was still in shock. Why didn't I know about what he was going through? Why won't he tell me? I've tried asking him, but he just goes silent and ignores me. Corey and Elton are going out soon to give Colby and I some privacy and so they could go get more food in the RV for the short remainder of our trip. Even after all that happened, Colby still wanted to finish our trip. It was about 7:30 at night and Colby was still sitting in the front passenger seat, he's been in the same spot for hours now.

   "Alright guys! We'll be back in a little bit! Call us if anything happens or if you need us to come back! See ya!" Elton said, standing with Corey in the doorway of the RV. Colby looked back a bit and nodded, I did the same and they both walked out of the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down at the small kitchen table. Brennen had texted me, I didn't want to answer it. He's been sending me weird messages and telling me that he'll do anything to have me. I tell him off each time, but it still is getting tiring, and a bit annoying. I opened my phone and read his message.

   Brennen: Hey Baby boy. You should really know by now. You need to leave that suicidal bitch. He's doing nothing good for you and all you do is sit there and take it. Just let him go, eventually he'll kill himself and be out of our way.

   Sam: No thanks. He's going through a lot right now. I love him and he knows that. Stop trying to interfere with something out of your hands buddy.

   I put my phone down on the table and closed my eyes. I eventually zoned out, not hearing or feeling anything. I just dreamed of my future, Colby and I's future. I couldn't believe that he's mine, even if were in a tough spot right now. Suddenly I was jolted out of my daze by a slight weight on my lap and liquid running down my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Colby, straddled on my lap, crying his eyes out into the crook of my neck. I wrapped one of my arms around his thin waist and the other wrapped around his head and pulled him closer, if possible.

   "Colby, what happened?" I quietly asked. He just squeezed me tighter and started to mumble out the words 'I'm so sorry'. I pulled him away from my shoulder so I could finally see his face. His eyes were puffy and red, I could tell that he had been crying for a while.

   "There's no reason to be saying sorry, what's wrong?" I asked.

   "I'm not good enough. I need to be stronger but the only thing I am is weak. I shouldn't be alive Sammy. You could do so much better than me..." He whispered. Tears started pricking at my eyes but I'm staying strong, for him. I grabbed his wrist, he tried to pull it away but I didn't let him. I rolled up his sleeve, just enough to see his crown. I rolled my sleeve up as well and put them next to each other.

   "What do these mean baby? They're not just some tattoo. They mean that we are forever meant to be. Through thick and thin, no matter what situation we're in, I'll always be here for you, and I know you'll always be here for me. I love you so much Colbear, forever and always." I finished. He looked up at me with teary eyes and a small smile, but it didn't last as long as I wanted it to. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

   "What about him" He said with venom in his voice.

   "Who are you talking about?" I asked, he let go of my hand.

   "Brennen. I saw your phone Sam. Him sending you all the flirty texts, all the plans of what he's going to do to you? I've seen it all. That was my main reason. Cause I lost my soul mate." Colby ranted. Now it was my turn to cry. I grabbed my phone and went straight to my messages with Brennen.

   "Colby. Yes he wants to be with me, but he's trying to mess with us. I keep telling him off, but I'm guessing he knew that you were going to see them." I said, small tears falling from my eyes. He grabbed my phone out of my hands and scrolled through the texts. After about five minutes, he set my phone down and slammed his lips on mine. Everything around us seemed to stop. No sadness, no injuries, just pure happiness and love. We finally pulled away when we ran out of air and just looked at each other until our senses came back down to Earth. Colby finally smiled, a genuine smile, for the first time in so long. I engulfed him in a hug. For the life of me, I didn't want to let go.

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