Chapter 9

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 Sam's Pov:

 Elton was driving us to the huge jumping site, he had said Colby was just going to meet us there. I was a bit worried about him. He usually never goes out alone, we always go on adventures together, especially in new places. I just don't want him to get lost or have a panic attack without me there. Finally after a half hour drive, we arrived at the ginormous plane hanger. He parked the RV in the parking lot and we all slowly stepped out, not ready to just out of a plane. I looked around, not seeing Colby anywhere, maybe he forgot. We stepped up to the lobby door. Elton held the door for all of us and I stepped in last. I looked around the small run down lobby, finally seeing Colby sitting in one of the seats to wait for us. A smile immediately returned to my face. I jogged over to him, he barely even moved. He was just sitting there, arms crossed, his eyes practically glazed over, zoned out on the green and white tiled floor. I put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped, quickly looking up at me. The look on his face shown a small bit of love and a lot of sadness, but he quickly changed. I watched his features change to one of pure happiness. He jumped up to his feet and hugged me.

  "Well hey there Colbear! I missed you, where'd you end up going on your little solo adventure?" I asked, trying desperately to break the horrifying silence.

   "I just walked to a pier and checked out some of the shops, nothing exciting. What about you? What did you do while I was gone?" He asked me.

   "Oh, I didn't do much either! I just got ready for the day and while Elton was driving us here to meet you, I texted Brennen a bit! He's really bored at home so I thought I'd try to cheer him up a bit!" I said, I wouldn't want to lie to him, it's true! I'm not that exciting of a person. His happiness seemed to falter when I mentioned Brennen.

  "That's cool. C'mon, the plane's going to take off soon and we still need to get hooked up." He said, slightly going monotone. I nodded and grabbed his hand. We started to walk over to Elton and Corey, who were already starting to get rigged up to the straps that would keep us from falling to our deaths. The people that directed the whole thing started hooking Colby and I up as well as they could, making sure it was tight enough, seeing who would be our 'partner' to take us up, everything seemed fine, like nothing could go wrong.

Colby's Pov:

We all boarded the small plane that we were going to jump out of. We all sat down in the small seats and waited to get to the peak height to fall. I felt someone tap lightly on my shoulder and I slowly looked at them. Sam was looking right at me, holding his hand out. He was petrified and this was his way of showing that. I smirked a bit and reached over, holding his slightly smaller hand in mine. I don't know what to feel. He hurt me, he's the reason there's new scars lining my arms. Eventually he'll find out, and I can't do anything about it.

   "All right everybody! Who's jumping first!?" The pilot screamed. My partner was the first to stand up. I looked at everyone else, who were all laughing at how I just got sacrificed. I got hooked up to my partner, he would be pulling our parachute. We slowly walked over to the now open door and stood over the edge.

   "You ready?" He asked, I just nodded and squeezed my eyes shut. Without a second thought, he jumped, and we were just free falling. Ironically, I was relaxed, I had zoned out and thought about something not so nice. I pictured no one else with me, no one to stop me, finally ending the pain. I got pulled out of my little day dream by hearing three other screams from above me. The others had jumped soon after I had. Eventually we reached the ground, finally getting unattached from my 'air guide' as he called himself. We all walked back to the lobby and gave out equipment back to the directors. We said our goodbyes and walked out of the lobby. Everyone was screaming and ranting about how great their experience was, while I could only remember what I had thought about. I want to so bad, I don't want to have to live with the pain of knowing my soul mate, didn't want me. but at the same time, I was scared to leave him.

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