Chapter 2

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(Take a cute Kirishima spacing off!!)

Kirishima's POV:

I sit down and stare off into nothing in particular as my mind wanders, I get lost at the idea of a certain someone I crashed into while walking to school. They were so beautiful for a guy, they speak an entire different language though which sucks because I would love to be able to hang out with them and chat with them. Ah, I remember the one thing he said in that other language so maybe I'll ask Hizashi, he should know, right?

I feel someone tap my should gently and snap me out of my daze, when I look over it happens to be Bakubro looking confused. I know he's an ass and all but he can actually be an awesome friend sometimes so don't see him as entirely bad. I don't realize why he's confuse though until I look down at my notebook and haven't wrote a single thing down! I normally always get my notes done, not in the neatest way but I still get them done at least.

In a rush to actually get something done this class, I quickly write down whatever is on the board now and Bakubro helps me a bit to fill in the blanks. With that, it feels like class just ended in a breeze when the bell rings giving everyone a good 10 minutes for free time. God damn, I wish I knew what class that guy belonged to so I could stop by and say hi, he was wearing the UA uniform after all.

Instead, I thank Bakubro and run off to where Hizashi should be so I can ask him something important about that boy.

Reader POV:

Today class was just another video day, nothing really special and it's actually quite boring right now but at least we don't have to take notes so half the class is asleep too, that's cool. I decide to take a nap somewhere in the middle but as I drift off I couldn't help but think of the eccentric red head I ran into this morning, I wonder what class he's taking. Soon enough though, the bell rings snapping me awake and it's time for break where I can socialize with my translator some more. I started to stand to go to her but I can already see her leave the room, I guess she was something to do then? 

Getting bored for the ten minutes I have of free time, I start to draw little doodles on my paper of the guy I met this morning, little shark fangs and all! wait... shark fangs.... I'm gonna call him SHARKBOI!! I laugh out loud a bit at my idea which attracts some attention and I quickly silence myself and go back to drawing, this time I drag the guy in a little shark onsie.

The ball rang and my translator practically slid right into the room into her spot, she must have been running then. The teacher would speak and I couldn't understand so my translator would tell me what they said quickly, like always.

"We're gonna do some training this class time, we'll be out on the fields along with class 1B and 1A"

Well that certainly sounds like fun for this class period, we'll mostly just be there to clean up after their mess when they fight each other. I heard that 1A and 1B fight a lot, 1C is always calm so nobody really bothers with us unless they need out help with something.

Everyone including me would stand up and run off to change into our p.e. uniforms, I'm not really welcome in either locker rooms and I'm so glad they have a gender neutral one for that reason. I change fast and run out before anyone can finish because I like being the fastest changer in the school, it's a reputation that I must hold up.

Once everyone was out on the field, for all classes, the teachers started explaining that it's gonna be quirk training today. I wasn't very surprised by it but I'm not happy to hear the fact they they are also gonna allow training battles too if you want to do that.

I prefer to do solo training so I jog up to my translator and start chatting with her about what I'm gonna be doing. I get distracted after hearing an explosion so I look over and see what I would only assume to be class 1A starting trouble. I only know that because they said that there's a guy in class 1A that makes explosions.

"You like him don't you?~" My translator leans over to me and speaks up which makes me blush suddenly, she knows I'm gayer than the rainbow and she mocks me for it sometimes.

"What?! NO!! I mean, he's hot but nooooo! Too angry for my liking!...." She suddenly gives me her signature 'are you sure?' look that I hate with a burning passion.

"Don't give me that I look! My gay soul can't help to think he's hot!" I felt someone stare at me so I glance around to see a certain someone with blonde hair and crimson eyes to be staring at me which makes me freak out.

"OH DEAR GOD!! CAN HE UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?!?!" With my mini flip out, the translator starts to laugh and pat me on the back before dragging me off to train with my quirk.

Bakugou POV:

I heard someone yelling across the field but I couldn't understand a damn thing they said, I looked over at the person with curiosity to see a (y/h) boy with (h/l), (h/c). He actually looks kinda cute, wait I can't think like that! As soon as the boy spots me staring I see him flip out like a kid and scream something I don't know before the adult nearby him drags him off, probably to train or whatever, I don't care.

but he in fact did care, he just doesn't know yet....

(983 words, not bad..... sorry that this chapter isn't very good... and that it's late too... shit happened on Sunday and I wasn't feeling well but here you go now! Take it my lovely children and please help me pick a quirk for the reader T.T)

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