Chapter 1

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Reader pov:

When the sun rises I would wake up like it's a normal day, it appears to always just be a normal day. I'm an American of course who moved to Japan with my older cousin, Kei. The normal would be to wake up, steal a rice crispy for breakfast and go to UA where I meet up with my translator. The bad thing about not being native to Japan is that I don't speak japanese which means I get a lovely translator until I can speak enough on my own. My cousin has one too and they are super nice, very helpful to vent to as well.

With an ongoing beep of my alarm, I groan and roll out if bed picking up my lovely bindy boi from the floor after last night's escape events. I wiggle the binder on as it's a tank binder which make sit harder to get on and off. Once I have accomplished getting it on and adjusting it for 10 minutes, I dig out my bag clothes of mystery. Generally it's just a larger male uniform to hide my figure better. Upon seeing that I have 10 minutes till I have to leave so I can make it on time, I wiggle on my uniform, grab my bag, steal a cookie and make a break for it to the door.
"BY KEI" I yell out as I open the door then slam it shut and run as I stuff the entire cookie in my mouth.
It's great to look like an angry chipmunk running down the sidewalk....

Off to UA I go! And no, I'm not part of the heroes course actually, I'm in class 1C which means I just deal with city repairs and helping citizens after a fight. No big deal for me, I didn't want to be in 1A anyways. I'm actually very much against fights, I grew up in some not so pretty neighborhoods in the u.s. after all. I'm person not big on the idea of fighting people, even if they are bad people. I argue that I am strong though, my cousin gives me boxing and self defence lessons just in case I get in trouble so I can land someone on their ass if I have too.

While spacing off and running to school, I accidently bump onto someone nearly falling on my own ass in the process. When I catch my balance with arms out like a stabilizer, I would then proceed to look up at the person I bumped into.

I mean, it would be rude to just brush them off and go on my way, I'm a UA student after all. I wasn't expecting to see bright red hair though, that certainly was something that caught me off guard for a second.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized in English before I realized that he probably doesn't know English so I follow up with a nervous laugh and do my best to apologize in japanese. Since my observation skill aren't the best in the world, I didn't even notice that he goes to UA as well until just now.

He tries to talk to me in japanese and I have no clue what he's saying sadly, he sounds happy and kind though. Is it just me or does this guy remind me of a shark, it's a bloody shark.... My awkwardness to human interaction kicks in and I just slowly shift away until he stops talking and then I run off. Rude, I know, but I really don't understand him and I need to get to class.

I run straight to my class where my translator would be waiting for me, usually talking with my homeroom teacher. Class 1C is actually the best class, is what I would argue since we get more time to relax and goof off. We mostly take tests, do a ton of writing assignments and then sometimes spend time strengthening our quirks to help clean up after the messy heroes. Don't get me wrong, the heroes are super awesome, my favorite would happen to be Eraser Head since he makes the least.amount of damage after all. I heard he teaches 1A but I've never personally met him or the 1A students, I think?

"Ah, y/n! You're a bit later than usual today" my translator is a girl named Annie and she's very nice. She gives a little smile of curiosity, if you've never seen one, it means she wants to know how I came to be late today.

"Sorry, I got distracted this morning... woke up in a not so fun mood if you know what I mean?" She knows I'm trans, she's the one who bought me a proper gc2b binder after all.

She simple nods a bit and we continue chatting, mostly about the lesson plan today so I get a head start on understanding it. School gets kinda boring sometimes but you never know when something might spice it up.

(836 words for the first chapter! Yay! Also, remember to leave ideas for the readers quirk and we will vote on it in the next chapter.... hopefully. This isn't my best work but I hope you enjoy it.)

Bakugou x FTM Reader x KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now