murder at first sight?

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More or less a few weeks had passed since I had been reborn into this strange world, accepting my new life as it is. It wasn't that bad, but I had to learn how to get used to the talking animals and all.

Also, I live with Granny now. I just thought that would have been some information needed to be known.

Granny had given me a red hood of my own, as expected of my new identity. It was definitely a good fit for me, surprisingly. I always went about wearing it whenever I go somewhere out.

I met a new friend, too. Her name was Maika, and she was this huntress. She had short brown hair and was always knocking at our front door sharing some stuff she had gotten from her trips to the forest. Excluding the bloody meat she had carelessly just stuffed in her backpack ever so casually.

And she'd always tell me "You look too blunt sometimes!" Pretty straightforward and harsh, but I admire honesty like that.

It was a rather quiet life I had now in that fairy tale village, but it was a life I had preferred. Emphasis on "had".

Something had gone wrong one day.


"Red! Red, come over here, dearie!" I heard Granny call out to me from the kitchen. As I don't remember my former name anymore, Granny had taken it upon herself to give me a new one. Not the most creative name, but it's my name now, so who cares.

"What is it, Granny?" I went down through the stairs, walking over to her side.

"I forgot to buy some eggs from the market for our breakfast. Could you be a dear and buy a couple of them?" She handed me a basket and her money.

I nodded, taking my hood from the coat hanger and putting it on. "Leave it to me, Granny."

"Thank you, dearie! Be careful now!" She called after me as soon as I stepped out of the house.

It had only been a few days and I've mostly memorized the village through and through. It was fairly a small place, so it wasn't that complicated, though. I saw the market from up ahead come into my view.

"Red, good to see you! Your grandma forgot to buy eggs again, did she?" The shop owner said as soon as I got to their stall.

"Yep." I just replied, and the shop owner just chuckled while putting the required eggs into my basket.

I paid them the money Granny given me, and was just about to go on my merry way when a scream broke through the hustle and bustle of the market.

"Stop! Stop it!!" I heard someone's scream. I looked around, nobody seemed to notice anything.

Now what is happening over there? I thought to myself. Part of me was curious and wanted to see what the ruckus was all about. But I gotta get these eggs back home first.

Ah, screw that. I'd go anyway regardless of my original duty.

I squeezed through the packed crowds, lifting the basket up in the air to avoid the eggs getting crushed. It was a bummer, because I was almost certain I'd lose all air entering my lungs from myself being squished together.

I stopped by an alley way a little far from the people. Some areas were full of darkness, and there was very little light. I couldn't see too much, but I heard a weird, crunching sound from a corner to the left.

My breath hitched when I found two mismatched eyes literally glistening in the dark, along with the sound of bones snapping loudly.

If it were any other person, they'd probably run and scream with fear. But not me. Not because I'm brave, or anything...

I just didn't feel any sort of terror within me. I just stood there, staring back at that threatening figure in the dark.

"You..." It spoke. At least, that's what I thought. It was a deep, almost lazy male voice. "Little girls shouldn't interrupt other people's businesses."

Feeling somewhat of a smartass, I answered, "Well you shouldn't be murdering other people, then."

If there was any time to regret, it was now.

Abort mission, abort mission!! The only sane part of my brain screamed at me as the figure stood up to their full height, which I can say is insultingly tall. I heard footsteps walk near me and I saw a glimpse of white starting to peek to the light.

I suddenly got shoved against a wall, and I was pretty sure I heard a crack come from below me. God, please don't let it be the eggs...

Blue and yellow eyes stared down at me, and honestly it felt like a predator looking at a piece of meat, which was also insulting. I smelled something weird and bad coming from their very presence, too.

"You got some nerve, talking back like that." I felt a hand comb through my hair and honestly, that felt a little creepy. I wasn't about to feel threatened by this weirdo, though.

"And you got some nerve breaking my eggs." I just talked back, seemingly confusing him for a moment as I took this as a chance to escape. I lifted my leg, my knee completely hitting against his, um... whatever it was.

And there I was, running through the road, escaping what could have been a major disaster. I skidded to a halt, however, when I remembered something.

Granny's gonna kill me!!!

I heard some crates getting smashed and chickens clucking loudly as I looked behind me.

I shouldn't have done that.

The weirdo from the alley was back, and now I could see him clearly, he had white hair, two furry ears and a tail that swished angrily. Did I mention he was also covered in blood?

That explained the smell.

"You'll regret ever crossing paths with me, Little Red!" He growled, and to put emphasis on his words, he raised a clawed hand and started to run towards me.

Was I about to die again? Screw that, I'm not reliving that moment again, so I had to force my legs into moving as fast as I could away from that creep.

I swiveled, avoiding his claws as they teared through the market stalls. This guy's causing a lot of damage right now! Downright rude!

I don't know why, but I had stopped by the front of a blacksmith's shop. That weirdo had me cornered, and he smirked. That little bastard smirked!

"Seems like I'll have an early snack today."

Anyone know those times where adrenaline just kicks in and instinct takes over? Well, mine was like that.

I grabbed the nearest weapon in my proximity, which turned out to be an axe, and swung it without thinking at all.

Did I win? Who knows, I had my eyes closed.

But I certainly heard something go against the blade, and that ain't me.


hehe second chapter now up! thank you for reading!

Reincarnated as Red Riding Hood, I roam this new worldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt