I wake up the first time

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This girl is allowed one more chance to live in a new world, in a new life, for a cause. That cause she won't understand yet, but soon the time will come when it dawns upon her.


I woke up in the middle of a forest. The scent of wood and the clashing greens and browns gave it away the moment I opened my eyes. I was lying on a patch of grass, and small spots of sunlight were beaming through the leaves of the trees.

How strange. I remember dying in a road somewhere, not in this array of green.

I admit, I felt confused. How in the hell did I get in this forest? Why do I look different? Where am I?

I stood up to my feet, taking the time to further analyze my surroundings. Somehow it was quiet, save for the wind against the leaves and birds chirping in flight.

This was really strange indeed.

Not long after I found myself walking out of the forest, stumbling upon a dirt road that lead somewhere. A meadow stretched far by the left side of the path and I could finally see the bright blue of the sky up ahead.

I blinked. There's a road that leads to some place, right? Maybe I could go there and find out where the hell am I.

"Are you alright, dearie?" I heard an old lady's voice from behind me and I turned around to see a short elderly woman in a persimmon dress, holding a cane.

Now this was something. I didn't expect to be meeting an old lady in the middle of the road like this.

"You look pale. Are you alright?" The old lady asked me again. This time, I didn't hesitate to answer.

"I'm fine. Just a little lost."

She smiled; I can see a little twinkle through those glasses of hers. "Well, that's a relief. But what's a pretty girl like you doing in here?"

I shrugged. "To be honest, I have no idea. I don't know where I am, or how I got here."

"Do you at least remember who you are?"

Now that's odd... I thought. "Of course I do-" Then it hit me.

I didn't know my name. In fact, I couldn't seem to get a grasp on it in my mind.

I couldn't remember myself at all.

"No need to fret, dearie." The old lady looked at me knowingly. "I'll help you with that."

Help me? What is she saying?

She took my hand, pulling me along with her as we both walked on the road together. For a small lady she has a pretty strong grip.

A few minutes later we arrived at a place I could only describe as noisy. There were people everywhere. The buildings were pretty nice, at least. Brick houses were placed around in almost every corner. I saw a stone bridge from my right that went over some water underneath it.

We stopped by a small little red brick house with a cute looking wooden door. The walls had vines traversing upwards to the roof like nature's curtains. The old lady opened the door and we both stepped inside.

It was rather cozy, I could even tell.

But I still didn't know what she wanted. In unknown territory, I had to be suspicious of anyone I meet here.

She led me to her living room. It smelled like cookies in there. Actually, scratch that, every nook in her house smelled like cookies.

She gestured me to sit on the chair next to her couch and I did. "So, you said you didn't know how you got into that place? And you don't remember who you are?" she began.

I nodded. She seemed to think hard for a moment before speaking again. "I think I know the cause. You've been reborn, dearie."

Now that was a blunt answer. I stared at her for a moment. Reborn? Is she being serious? Am I being held inside a maniac's house right now?

"I know you don't believe me, but hear me out." She started to sound a little bit serious now. "Try thinking about what happened to you before you got here. Try as hard as you can."

I decided to do what she told me. Taking my hands together I shut my eyes, trying to dig into the depths of my brain for any memory I could had have before.

A random pink flash travelled in front of my mind and I could make out a voice saying, "One more chance."

I opened my eyes, my hands automatically going onto my head. Now that was uber weird. Despite that, I was now getting a headache from all that thinking.

"All I can remember is somebody saying 'one last chance' before blacking out. Then I woke up in the woods." I told the old lady.

"But that still doesn't make me get this whole thing. If I'm really reborn, doesn't that mean I had to..." I froze like stone at the realization.

Did I... die?!!

"I'm afraid so, dearie." The old lady told me, as if hearing my thoughts. "That's basically what a miniscule number of people in your case had to go through in order to be reborn."

So there are others like me, huh?

My whole being honestly was shook. But a small part of me was glad I got the chance of living again, even in some world I don't even know about. Speaking of which...

"Um..." I began, not really knowing how to address the old lady. She smiled at me again.

"You can call me Granny, dearie."

"Right, um, Granny... Where am I, exactly?"

That same twinkle in her eyes came back as she answered, "Why, only in the most magical of all worlds, Encantadia."

"Eh... okay... what exactly is Encantadia?" I tried to specify my confusion to her. She chuckled, standing up from her seat and towards her window. She pushed the curtains away, opening the glass.

"Simply speaking, this is a world where fairy tales literally come to life. Stories you've heard as a child thrive here, like a safe haven." She pointed outside, and I had to come next to her to look where she was pointing at.

A shadow quickly flew past us and I stared as a huge, scaly dragon casually treked through the skies near the houses. It didn't seem to be interested in the village as of now, which made me feel ease.

Then there was the sound of music as a marching band had come prancing by. I had to take a double look to find every single member were rabbits. Instrument-playing, hind leg-standing rabbits.

And they could talk.

"And you, dearie, you've been reborn a new life as a new character in this world." Granny placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a warm look.

"You are, hence forth, the Little Red Riding Hood."


hello this is kermit bread! thank you for taking the time to read this! first time actually relaying some original work here, and please keep in mind this is just for fun and updates are rather slow in the future. cheers! :D

Reincarnated as Red Riding Hood, I roam this new worldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt