The First Contact

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(Y/N) is coming home after a hard day at work. "Man, this job is really killing me", he sighted, as he layed down on the couch in his apartment in New Domino.
(Y/N) was working in a research lab where your company tried to figure out if you coukd use the energy of dueling to produce electric energy. You are well paid, but the job is really hard.
As (Y/N) was laying on his couch he looked through his deck; not the deck he was using during work, but his very personal "Lightning Dragon" deck. Bad memories were rising amongst (Y/N) and he thought of the day, he would never forget...

Suddenly he heard a voice calling him by his name and felt a ghostlike presence as his deck began to shine in light blue colours: "(Y/N)!"
He recognised it immediately: "What's up Flieme?", (Y/N) spoke to his card.
"I'm tired of seeing you laying around and doing nothing. Tomorrow is the opening of the fortune cup pre tournament! And we haven't dueled for 2 months now!"
"I know" you answered "but you know why".
"Of course I do, but..."
"Enough!" You shouted resolutely.
"I'm going to have a sleep now and you should rest aswell!"
"Ok, ok..." Flieme grumbled as the light faded and the deck returned to normal...

"Now i activate Black Rose Dragons Effect: When it's synchro summoned all cards are destroyed! Go black rose gale!" The mysterious person shouted as you saw Flieme exploding in stars causing pain in your  heart as if you've just exploded yourself.
-You woke up sweating heavily, and barely breathing: "This goddamn dream" you said, standing up and getting ready for the big day...

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