High school

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Kenzie's p.o.v

The Moment came that I dreaded most. The teacher called on me to read. I forgot to remind her of my reading problems.
"Um, Miss could someone else please read?"
"You are part of this class now so you will participate when asked, please read the next paragraph."
I looked down at the page we were on. Usually if I concentrate I can make out the words but I couldn't concentrate. It was like alphabet soup on my page. The letters didn't make sense together I was almost certain they gave me a version in gibberish. My vision suddenly blurred as tears collected in my eyes.
"Kenzie you okay?" The voice seemed to be hollow, but I knew it was Emily. I shook my head then stood up and ran out of the room. I didn't really know the school well enough to go anywhere except the hall with the keyboard so that's where I went. Except there was a class on the stage so I slid down against the wall and just cried into my knees.

Emily's p.o.v
Kenz was a really good friend. She didn't judge me for my quirkiness and even though I cold tell she was close to broken she still had a genuine smile across her face when we walked to english. When she told me about her dyslexia I wasn't worried because usually teachers are understanding about those things and I was assuming Ms. Brown knew about it. I guess I was wrong.

When asked to read a paragraph of the book for the second time Kenz started to go down hill. Her hands were shaking and here eyes were moving rapidly like she was trying to make sense of what the letters were creating. Sweat started forming on her forehead and her mouth parted as she started to breath unevenly.

I asked her if she was okay and she shook her head getting up and abruptly leaving the classroom. The teacher look at me searching for an explanation.
"Miss, she's dyslexic."
"What? Wait," Ms. Brown flicked through some papers on her desk then placed her palm on her face.
"Oh no, I'm a horrible person. Emily could you please go find her and bring her back.
I nodded and left class with everyone watching intently. Knowing that Kenz is new I had feeling i knew where she was. I speedily walked to the hall seeing music class through the glass window. I noticed that it was a year 12 class and there was a boy in that class that i didn't recognise looking through the window towards the other wall. I wonder if that is Jonah. I followed his gaze and saw Kenzie sat against the wall sobbing. I sat next to her and just hugged her letting her cry. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while and then I decided to speak up.
"Ms. Brown made a mistake, she forgot about your papers that told her about the dyslexia. She is really sorry and is upset with herself about it. I'm sure she's explained to the class and they won't make fun of you, most of them are really nice and those few stuck up students think about themselves too much to pay attention to a new girl." Kenzie chuckled slightly at that and looked up at me.
"Thankyou. For everything. You didn't need to be my friend but I am so grateful that you decided to take the challenge." She laughed the ending.
"Trust me this is gonna be a Challenger for you too."

We slowly returned to class and the incident wasn't spoken of again.

Jonah's p.o.v

School in Sydney is so different to Canberra. When I first started high school everyone seemed to be so opinionated and judgemental. In year seven once I mentioned my goofy sister and how she always could light up a room and I got laughed at. Everyone started saying how sisters are stupid and embarrassing and I found myself agreeing. I started pushing her away and thought that if I was seen with her I would be seen as a dork who has feelings.
But I never stopped caring about her. She is still my little goofball. The people at my new school are a lot different. I saw some people hugging their sisters before class started and they were the "cool" people. So I started thinking maybe it could go back to normal between me and Kenz. But then I realised she probably hates me now. I shut her out.

My first class was music and we were using the stage in the hall. I have always been pretty good at music. I remember when I was little I used to play chords on the piano and Kenz would sing. She was a pretty good singer back then but I doubt she could hold a tune now. Plus she doesn't actually know how to play an instrument as far as I'm aware. She had a guitar but it think that is just for show.

I was already pretty popular at school. I met most of the year 12's and they are all sort of like a family so as soon as I was friends with one I was friends with the whole cohort. We were just kinda jamming when a girl about Kenzie's age ran past crying. She stopped for a second then realised that we were in here so slid down the wall on the side of the hall and buried her head in her lap.

I shrugged it off and we kept jamming but when I looked back I realised that it was Kenz. Why was she crying. Did someone bully her? Is she hurt? Then another girl came. She looked inside like she was looking for someone then looked at me. I looked back at my little sister. The girl that was looking at me then sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. My goofball, that is always smiling was sobbing her tiny heart out. My peer Sam noticed I had been staring for a while and asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah I'm okay it's just. That girl that's crying is my sister." I immediately regretted saying that. What if they laugh. But Sam didn't.

"I think she's gonna be alright. The other girl is Emily. She is so kind and a great friend. She always knows how to comfort people."

"How do you know that?" I was thinking maybe Sam is that popular dude that likes younger girls but it was actually something much more pleasant.

"Well, Emily is my sister. I love her to pieces a there isn't a hateful bone in her body. Your sister will be alright. What's her name?"

"Kensilina, well she actually hates being called that so she goes by Kenzie but I used to call her Kensilina anyway because I thought it was funny when she got mad. She is really bad at being mad she just makes a cute scrunched up face. Should I check on her?"

"I can tell you care but I think you should leave it for now. But check up on her at home."

Kenz and Emily stood up and headed back to class I'm guessing. I returned to music.

After school still Jonah's point of view

I drove kenzie and i home. We didn't talk much. She seemed okay but I could tell there was something bugging her. I decided I would check later. I would break the walls I've built around our relationship but it would take time. I'm not just suddenly gonna be her big brother again.

After dinner mum and dad got into a fight again and Kenz retreated to her room. I decided this would be a good time.

I walked in to see Kenz fiddling with some chords on her guitar. Her face flushed red and she put the guitar down when she saw me. She sat cross legged on her bed as I made my self comfortable in her bay window.
We heard something smash and yelling from the kitchen. Kenzie flinched and started playing with a teddy.

"Hey um, I saw you crying today."
"I'm Sorry." Why is she sorry? Does she really expect me to be mad at her for crying. Of course she does, I completely shut her out.

"What was it about?"
"My English teacher forgot that I was dyslexic and tried to get me to read. Everyone saw me start to have a panic attack." She looked down at her teddy.
"Kenzie, i told you to make sure your teacher knew.jut make sure you go to soccer tryouts tomorrow it's your only hope now." I got up and walked out. I guess I just got so used to being horrid towards her that it comes naturally.

I hate myself for that. I wish I was a better brother for her. She deserved it. I heard her sniffle a few times and a tiny piece of my heart broke. I whispered a good night to her not knowing if she heard ang went to bed knowing I had to fix this. And I would. Just in some time.

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