This has been a hell of a week

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Chapter Nineteen
This has been a hell of week

Previously on His Extraordinary Luna

"Why the hell is there a dragon in my living room"


"Umm we don't know, we were just talking about our sister then she just turned into a dragon" John said nervously

Nick came into the room looked at me then walked towards Ashton and grabbed him by his neck.

"What the fuck did you do" he growled

"What why do you automatically assume I did something and get your fucking hands off me" he sneered pushing nick away

"Dragons only shift at a young age when they experience something that throws them off emotionally, like they just found out they were adopted so I'm gonna asked you again, what the fuck did you do" he hissed out

I let out a loud screech

"You bitch, that's what you did" he said removing his hand from his neck

Ashton looked shocked and looked sad at the same time.

"Wait you speak dragon?" asked darrin

He nodded

"Fucking sick, so what did this dumbass do" darrin laughed

So is anyone gonna get my head out of the fucking roof.

No? Okay

"He's not a virgin" nick said glaring at him

His mom gasped but all the guys in the house shrugged.

"I mean men have needs love" his dad said to his mom

That's it

I need to shift back

Okay and great thing about being a dragon we're not naked when we shift back we have a sick ass outfit

Oh great throw shade at the wolf

Just shift back

The pain came back at full force

I let out a loud growl which made fire come out of my mouth.

Again the big black cloud surrounded me and I was a human again.

"Whoa nice outfit" trey said in awe

I glared at them

"M-Men have needs? Men have needs SO DO WE f-females also have needs but we know how t-to keep it to ourself, using that as an excuse is dumb as fuck to me, as soon as a female says she's not a v-virgin y'all wanna growl and shit but when y'all say it it's man have needs f-fuck you and y-your bum ass n-needs" I screamed

Everyone stopped

"You know what they say boys will be boys" Trey shrugged

My anger spiked as I put my hand up and levitated trey off the ground.

"BOYS WILL BE BOYS? WHY CANT PEOPLE SEE MY SIDE OF THINGS" again the distorted voice yelled

Trey shook his head

"N-No I totally s-see your side of things p-please put me down" he stuttered

I smirked

All of the sudden he fell to the ground screaming.

Sweat was trickling down his face

Valarie ran over to him and touched his skin.

Almost in a instant she pulled her hand away as she hissed.

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