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Sup loves this is my third book on wattpad so I thought I should lay down some ground rules for future readers

In this book there are mature themes,  but not too mature because I'm still a virgin myself so I have no idea how sex works so just bare with me.

In this book my main character is mute meaning she doesn't talk, but she does make sounds like groaning and sometimes whining, and she's not deaf she just doesn't speak.

There will also be some really hardcore bullying in this book so if that bothers you this book isn't for you.

Some diseases she has are made up but not all, like a slightly inlarged heart is a real and very dangerous thing,  I should know my mom has it, and she will also have high blood pressure.

Last but not least


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Thank for reading this bull shit

First Chapter

January 2020

His Extraordinary Luna Where stories live. Discover now