Chapter 24

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Cas pushed opened the bunker door as Ivy and I made our way in behind him.
"Sam." Cas said as Sam appeared.
"Cas? Juliet?" I smiled.
I ran down the stairs skipping steps, once I got to him, I jumped into his arms.
"Sammy!" I said as he hugged me tightly.
"Where have you been?" Sam asked Cas as we pulled away.
"I-I've been calling you and texting..."
"I know. It doesn't matter. I'm here now." I ran my hand over Ivy's hair.
"I'm ready to help."
"Hi." Eileen said as Cas looked at her.
"Yeah, uh, Cas, this is Eileen Leahy. Eileen, this is Cas... and you remember Juliet.
"I thought you were..."
"Dead? Yeah. I got better." Eileen said.
"Ivy, say hi." I said.
Ivy stepped closer to Eileen before tilting her head.
"Hello." Ivy signed.
"Hello." Sam looked at Ivy in awe.
"Just like her father." I smiled.
Ivy held her arms up to Sam as he lifted her up.
"Well, where's Dean?" I asked looking around.
"He went for a drive. He needed to clear his head." I nodded.
"So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith."
"Lilith?" Cas and I both asked.
"Yeah, uh, she's back."
"Have you found them?" I asked.
"Not yet."
"It's because you're looking in the wrong places." Cas shook his head.
"What do you mean? Have you heard something on angel radio, or..."
"No, no. It's been silent for months." Cas said.
"But your wound." He pointed.
"It's still not healed?"
"Good." I giggled.
"I've been thinking about that gun, the, uh the Equalizer?"
"Still hate that name."
"When you shot God, it fired a piece of your soul." Cas said.
"Okay." Sam said.
"So there may be some of you inside Chuck."
"Ew." Eileen commented as I smiled.
"I like her." I replied in sign and voice.
"I like you too." She signed back.

We made our way to the infirmary, Ivy stood by my side as Sam sat on the bed.
"Cas, are you sure about this?" Sam asked as I looked at my boyfriend who shook his head.
"No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it." I chuckled.
"Probe it?"
"Study it, see if it can lead us to Chuck." Cas replied.
"Is that dangerous?" Eileen asked.
"All right." Sam cleared his throat.
"Let's do it." He said.
"I'll be fine." Sam told Eileen.
Ivy went over to her, grabbing her hand.
"I'm ready."
"This is gonna sting." Sam nodded.
Cas raised his hand as his grace glowed around the wound.
"Sam, are you okay?" Cas asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just, uh." There was a snap and Sam flew hitting the wall.
"Sam! - Sam! - Sam!"
"Sammy! Sam!" I rested his head on the pillow.

Cas was trying to reach Dean and Eileen was with Sam.
I was on my way back from the kitchen when I walked by my room.
Inside, Ivy was holding a book.
"Hey baby, whatcha reading?" I asked as she looked up at me.
"The very hungry Caterpillar." I smiled.
"That was my favorite book as a kid." I sat on the bed beside her.
"Can you read it too me?" I nodded.
I sat against the headboard as Ivy moved beside me, my arm wrapped around her shoulder as I held the book.
After about 15 minutes of reading books, Cas came in.
"He's here." I nodded.
"Stay in here okay." I told Ivy.
"Okay mommy."

I followed Cas and Sergi into Sam's room.
"Help him. Please." Eileen said.
"'Course, my dear." Sergi took out a crystal.
He waved it over Sam's wound.
"What?" I asked him.
"Small thing." I rose a brow.
"What is it?"
"Sam is dying." My heart stopped.
"What do you mean he's dying?" Cas asked.
"I imagine you were trying to ascertain the exact nature of the wound before this, yes?" Sergi asked.
"Ah, well, there you go." I sat down.
"Most wounds want to be healed, to be whole. But this, this wound is different. It goes down to his very soul. But also out into the world." My heart started beating harder.
"From what I can tell, his soul, it's connected to something or someone somewhere. Except, as you probed deeper, you forced the soul to stretch from Sam's body to..."
"I don't know. But now it's like a rubber band. If it is stretched too far, too long, pop, it snaps, and Sam dies." Sergi replied.
"Can you fix it?" Eileen asked.
"Of course I can." Cas looked at me.
"Juliet, are you okay?"
"I-I can't breathe... ex-excuse me." I pushed past everyone running out.

I walked past Dean's room, to see a file on his bed.
Feeling snoopy, I made my way in picking it up.
My eyes scanned the file as I flipped through it.
Then I saw a birth certificate, confused I took it out setting the file on the bed.

Then I saw a birth certificate, confused I took it out setting the file on the bed

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My eyes widened in shock.
"Son of a bitch!" I threw it.

Juliet Winchester II -Jack Kline Where stories live. Discover now