Chapter Two

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Morning came too quickly and as the sun rose Andrew groaned as he sat up. When was the last time he ever slept so long the sun woke him up? It wasn't something he had ever remembered doing. Looking over at Gwen who was still sound asleep he smiled and gently ran his hands through her hair. It was such a sight to behold waking up to have her still in his bed.

She started to moan a little as she came to. Turning she opened her eyes too look at him with a large smile on her face. "Morning."

"Morning." He said to her warmly. "We need to get up and see your mother."

"I'm not ready to get out of bed yet," She said with a face. "Just a couple more hours."

Andrew chuckled, "It's alright late in the morning. You know your mother is going to be worried sick." He couldn't stop himself from gently touching her face.

"You keep touching me and we won't be seeing anyone." There was some playfulness in her voice.

"Very well." It took a lot of effort, but he managed to pull his hand back to himself and he got up off the bed and started to get dressed.

Gwen sighed as she got up off the bed and started to get dressed herself. It was clear it wasn't something that she wanted to do but was doing it anyways.

They approached the house and her mother was already on the porch pacing back and forth, clearly a bit distraught. Her eyes turned to anger as the saw them start to approach and she descended the stairs in a huff to meet them. "Where were you last night?"

Gwen tightened her grip on Andrew's hand. Andrew cleared his throat, "Sorry ma'am she was with me all night last night. We fell asleep at my place."

"I thought I said to have her back last night?" She said annoyed.

Andrew nodded, "You did and for that I am sorry. I will do what I can to make it up to you." He bowed his head a little towards her.

Merinda turned her attention from Andrew and towards her daughter, "And what do you have to say for yourself?"

The young girl brought her left hand up so her mother could see the ring on her finger, "We are betrothed now."

"That's no excuse to be out at all hours of the night. There are dangers in the night. I expect you to be home on time until you are no longer in this house." She said to Gwen.

Gwen looked at her and stood her ground, "What if I go to live with Andrew?"

Andrew looked at her curiously as it wasn't something they had discussed or was expecting.

"It's natural for me to spend time with my betrothed. If I want to spend the night at his place, then I will, and you cannot stop me." Gwen stated standing up for herself. It was clear she wasn't going to back down.

Andrew was going to open his mouth to speak when Merinda spoke instead. "Your still too young to be going off to do whatever you want. You must still come home until you start your own family." She said to her.

Gwen let Andrew's hand go and crossed her arms, "I will do whatever I want. I am old enough to make my own decisions and choices in life. If you cannot respect my wishes, then I will leave now." She grabbed Andrew's hand tightly and pulled him away from her house and they headed back towards his place.

Merinda stood there angerly, "Don't think about coming back here for anything." She shouted at Gwen as they walked off.

Gwen said nothing as they approached his house and they went back inside. Once they were in his room again, she sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down. He joined her, sitting down and holding her hands in his own. "Are you going to be okay?" He knew that Gwen and her mother fought sometimes, but he hadn't realized how bad it had been until then.

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