“So what are we really doing?” He asked as I sat on the couch and propped my feet up. “Cute socks, by the way.” He commented as he gave my fuzzy socks a judgemental look.

“Thanks,” I answered, grinning back just to show him I didn’t care. “And this is what I’m actually doing.”

I leant forward to grab the book from the coffee table, opened it and turned to prop my legs up on Louis’ lap, all while he watched me with a hanging jaw.

“Actually?” He asked.

“Mm Hm.” I confirmed, opening to the first page. “You can put the telly on if you like?” I suggested.

I saw him pout, over the top of my book and tried to hide my fond smile as he sat there.

“Harry!” He whined, placing his hands on my knees. “You’re so boring!”

“Movies are in the cabinet.” I answered, trying my hardest not to let him see my smile from behind my book as he continued to look at me, gobsmacked.

“I thought we were going to so something fun.” He mumbled.

“Well what do you expect? It’s a Sunday afternoon.” I answered, still reading the page rather than looking up.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Something fun.”

“Books are fun.” I countered, turning the page.

“Oh my God. You’re such an old lady, sitting there in your fuzzy socks and reading a book on a Sunday afternoon.” He joked as he laughed at me.

I simply shrugged and smiled. I didn’t mind what he said, it was true. And I didn’t really care. He was smiling and that was all that mattered to me.

He sat there looking at me, shaking his head slowly for a few, long seconds before letting out a long sigh. He moved my feet from his lap before getting up to go to the cabinet, apparently taking my suggestion.
I don’t know what movie he picked, but he was soon back to me and the couch. He picked up my feet, sat down and replaced them on top of his lap, letting his hands rest on my legs.

I briefly heard some music as the film began, but soon I was stuck into the book and had completely zoned out, becoming absorbed into the story. Liam was right, it was great.

I only snapped out of my bubble when I felt Louis tapping my legs like he was playing the drums.

I looked at him over the top of the book and saw him watching the movie and absentmindedly drumming along. He had slid down onto his side and was now lying almost alongside me, his head reaching to my stomach as he curled up around my legs.

I smiled and let him continue, getting back into the story for a few more chapters.

Then I felt his hand grip my wrist.
“Harry,” He whispered.
“Yeah,” I answered, keeping my eyes on the book as I felt him pull my hands away so he could see my face.

“What’s your book about?” He asked after a beat.

“Huh?” I asked. “Watch the film.”

“It’s boring.” He complained, still whispering. “Tell me about the book.
“No, watch the movie.” I repeated with a smile.

He sighed and released my hand, letting me bring the book back up to my face.

He was still for a second, but soon I felt him lift up one of my arms so he could rest his head on my chest and have my arm circle around his neck so he could see the pages.

“I can’t read it.” I moaned. “It’s too close.”

“Shh.” I shushed him as I turned the page.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now