Chapter 66

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new cover. do we like?


Harry’s POV

Later that night, I went to Louis’ place for dinner. Apparently he was going to cook for me, but it ended up being a joint effort between us.

We were standing side-by-side, cutting vegetables and stirring gravy powder with water, until Louis decided to bump my hip.

It made me jerk the gravy spoon and accidentally flick some of the gravy onto Louis’ arm.

Then, he turned to me and flicked some potato peel onto my arm, staring a mini food fight.

But it ended when I lifted him into the air and placed him on the bench, standing in between his legs.

I quickly turned around to put the vegetables on a tray and throw them in the oven to roast, before turning back to my beautiful boyfriend.

He was still sitting where I had put him, gravy powder on his nose and cheek and an innocent grin on his lips.

I smiled back at him as I slowly walked over to him, taking my time on purpose. Plus, Louis’ kitchen as actually giant, so it did take me quite a few seconds to get over to him.

“Harry!” He groaned, making grabbing hands at me as I slowly moved towards him.

But when he pouted, I couldn’t resist it. I rushed over to him and put my hands on his hips as Louis giggled, happy I was now in his arms.

I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around my neck, playing with my now long hair at the nape of my neck.

“Yes, sweetums?” I grinned, knowing full well what I had done and why he was gaping at me.

“You’re so dumb.” He shook his head at me as our eyes fluttered closed and our lips connected.

I massaged my thumbs into his hips as he moaned into my mouth, kissing me deeper.

My tongue flicked against the roof of his mouth, making him pull me even closer.

I was about to move my hands up his back, but the oven timer when off.

We both jumped and sprung apart at the sudden interruption and Louis even squeaked a little, making me smile.

Then he sighed, disappointed our moment had been cut short. I simply smiled and him and went to the oven to pull out the chicken and vegies.

“Here,” I told him. “Grab the gravy.”

So he let out a long groan, jumping off the bench and walking over to the stove to do as I had asked while I served the food.

Once it was all laid out on the table, we sat down to eat.

“I don’t remember the last time I used this table.” Louis commented as we sat in the dining room that he apparently didn’t use.

I looked at him in disbelief but he just shrugged, not particularly caring.

“You know Charl and Mikey are getting married?” I told him.

“What!?” He answered, eyes wide with shock. “Really?”

“Yeah,” I replied with a laugh. “She told me today. He asked her last night.”

“Oh my God!” Louis smiled. “That’s great! I’m so happy for them!”

“Yeah so am I.” I replied. “And I think it’s going to be soon. She doesn’t want to wait ages to organise it all, so I think it’ll be soonish.”

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon