Chapter 31

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so there's another update for ya <3

you're welcome, ex oh




Louis’ POV

I woke up the next day with a horrific headache and bloodshot eyes.

I think there was a party. I know there was alcohol and I definitely know there was an Eleanor in my bed at some point.

I got up and showered in a blur, gruffly pushing a naked Eleanor from my bed as I went. 

I hated myself for hooking up with her, but I couldn’t help it. It was just what I did when I got drunk, kinda like a ritual. Where there is alcohol, there is a naked Eleanor.

I washed the yuck from last night off me as my memories from the previous day with Niall flooded back into my head.

Today was the day that I was supposedly becoming the new me. I had to make a conscious effort to say nicer things and not be such a dick to people.

They didn’t deserve the shit I put them through. Then again, I couldn’t be too nice, I couldn’t risk anyone getting close to me.

They would only get hurt.

I climbed out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a permanent sullen look etched into my face from years of grimacing. It looked horrifying. No wonder people cringed and looked away whenever I turned to face them. It was like I had an ever-present grimace that made people want to run.

Then again, that was the aim.

I started at my face and pulled the corners of my mouth up in what I thought was a smile.

It looked odd, but kind of normal, I guess.

I almost looked the way I used to. Emphasis on the ‘almost’.

After a little while of creepily making what I thought were acceptable faces at myself and practising lines that were deemed to be ‘nice’ by society, I left the bathroom.  

Eventually, El and I made our way down to the parking lot where my driver waited. After the night I had, there was no way I was driving myself. I planned on sleeping in the car.


My car rolled up to the entrance of the set and I was unfortunately woken by Eleanor.

“Louis,” she sang as she stroked my hair. “Louis baby, wake up sweetie.”

I grumbled and slapped her hand away before opening the door and making an entrance to the set like I always do, leaving Eleanor to fend for herself.

I pushed the sunglasses from the end of my nose so they properly covered my eyes as I swung open the door to the building and started making my way to my room.

About halfway down the hallway to my dressing room, I remembered that I was supposed to be nice.

I put my ‘almost’ smile on for the rest of the walk before entering my dressing room and slamming the door.

“Woah,” Niall laughed, looking up from the TV when he saw me come in. “What’s with that face. Did you eat a lemon or something?”

“Ha ha.” I deadpanned, chucking my bag down and slumping down onto the couch as my grimace returned. “Of course you’re here.”

“Yes, I am here. Good to see you too.” He replied, with another laugh.

“Don’t you have your own room?” I snapped at him.

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