I. Inside of the box

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November, 2019

Trying to be okay but guess i can't really be okay now,

I want to shout at you,
Tell you how much you hurt me, the pain that you've cost me.

Being with you, it never been happy. I was always looking at the door wishing that someone will come, looking at the clock wishing that it will run faster that yesterday. That miracle will happen and it will Skip an hour every minute so that I can go home and rest.

When I'm not with you, my inbox was always on fire, receiving your texts and calls, if I could I will never read or accept!

So no matter where I am your were there, like a hunter watching it's prey and playing with it even in a far!

Every morning when I woke up, if I could I will stop the clock so that it will never turn at 9am. So that I can never see your face nor hear your voice nor receive your texts nor your calls

Every night when I got home I hope to turn the clock at 11pm so that I can told to that "it was a long day so I am so tired, can we talk tomorrow?"

And when I sleep I hope I will never woke up coz I am tired so tired, I just want to close my eyes and mind and never think of anything or anyone

Yup, I just want to forever be asleep instead to be inside of this dark box that your jailed me in

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