CH20. Going Back

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🎵I don't want you to hurt but can't help it
Every moment is thoughts of you back when
I saw you throw me a smile and that had me🎵

Jihyo's POV

Days have passed by and he's still not talking to me, I sent him my apologies for that night and I want to tell him the truth but it seems it's too late for us. I've been crying for days and I can't do this anymore! I want to end this life!

To ❤️Bbibbi❤️

I love you so much Y/N and I wish I can be with you on our next life.

I was holding this small blade and I'm ready to slit my wrist but suddenly,

"Unnie! Unnie come quickly!"

I heard Tzuyu, her voice trembled like she's afraid of what she saw. So I ran out of my room and I saw the news headlines

"Shin Corps' Vice President missing - what the hell is this?"

Jeongyeon was yelling and Tzuyu was crying. I don't know what's happening, he's not answering my calls nor my texts for 3 days and now he's missing.

"Wait, who is she?"

(Good day citizens of South Korea, I am Lee Jieun, President of Blueming Industry. We all heard the disappearance of Shin Corps' Vice President Shin Y/N and in order to speed up the search for Y/N, I am here to post a reward of 5 million US dollars to anyone who can lead us to Y/N's location. I'm willing to increase the terms as soon as Y/N is back. His life is more important (sniffs) so please-)

She wasn't able to continue her speech, and I saw her crying in the national TV. Something even Y/N's close friends can't do, something I can't even do.

Aunt Sunmi spoke to us,"how about us aren't we doing something for the Shins?"

"But auntie we are powerless and-"

"I'm off Auntie, I can't work today. I'll get Momo and we'll start searching for Y/N."

Tzuyu went out too, "Auntie, I'll check with the School registry if they knew something about Y/N oppa's disappearance."

I froze at my place then Auntie looked at me with disgust, "You can stay here and do nothing. He's not that important right?"

I don't know where to start or where to look for, then my eyes widened as I receive a reply from Y/N's number

From ❤️ Bbibbi ❤️

I have a very good offer that you can't refuse, Jisooyah. Life for life.

I called him and he picked it up "Kang?"

(Bingo! Now I need you to be alone baby.)

"I'm alone you can now talk! Where's Y/N"


"Y/N!!! Dan please don't hurt him! Please, I'll do what you want!"

("Beeeeg for more baby!)

My tears overflowed and my head started to hurt just thinking what Dan is doing to Y/N, "Dan, Baby c'mon release him. You'll look bad to the citizens if you hurt him."

(Jisooyah, I don't care anymore. He hurt you!)

"Daniel Kang! DO YOU THINK I'LL ALLOW HIM LAY A FINGER ON ME? No one can hurt me and I'm yours baby!"

(Is that true?)

Shit you need to believe me Dan, I need to keep him safe "Yes, so please baby forget about Y/N and focus on me."

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