CH3. Wake up

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🎵Every time I got out of bed to (oh no) - Start my day that's when I would hear you🎵

Nayeon's POV

"Hello baby bunny" This voice, I’m hearing his voice! I know he's close to me and everything is just a nightmare. My sickness, my disloyalty and our break up, none of these are real! I need to wake up, I need Y/N.


My eyes were staring at the white ceiling, and the art above me seems familiar. This isn't the room Y/N and I were sharing but I know this room. I remember a month ago, no was it last week or the other day then I realized I can't count the times I've been here. I feel disgusted with myself. 

As I stood to wash my face, I noticed a note on the lampshade : "hangover soup on the table. Eat" fucking sweet guy isn't he?

Flashback - 2 years ago

"Baby? I heard you didn't go to your classes today. Can you please open this door? Gwenchaneyo?"

"I’m coming Y/Nah" I opened the door and lazily back to my bed.

"Aigoo, still sleepy? You smell like a reek of alcohol! Why did you drink so much?" he sat on the edge of the bed.

That day Y/N visited me but I ignored him, I just slept the whole day not thinking that he was there the whole time. He's tidying up my apartment, doing the laundry and preparing food for me.

I'm half awake and I felt his body close to me, his warmth is all I need. Y/N I wanna kiss you but I'm too lazy.

"Babe it's 11PM, I'll go home now, please eat your food here, Ok? I love you so much!" He kissed me on my forehead and left.

My stupid body won't move, why am I being stubborn. I mean he's my boyfriend and I badly needed his kisses.

It was 2AM in the morning of the next day when I found myself hungry. On my bedside table there is a pot and when I checked it, it's Y/N's hangover soup. I sipped some and hell it was as cold as winter.

I found a note on the top of the table :

Dear Babe,

If you're going through something please let me know. I'm worried right now.

A tear escaped from my eyes and I am thinking why is he so sweet and considerate? Doesn't he know, I drink last night with Jinyoung? Isn't he jealous? Isn't he suspicious of us? Is he that stupid to think that Jinyoung is just a friend? 

I walked my way to the kitchen thinking what to eat. Wait, another note?

Hey Babe,

I cooked your favorite dish, please see the microwaveables at the fridge. I love you, Im Nayeon.

I opened the fridge and there it is, Y/N's pasta. I dug my fork and took a bite on the meatballs no need for heating because I'm lazy. Damn, it tastes really good, how can he be so good at everything? School? Work? Dates? Bedroom activities... It’s cold but my cheeks are growing hot. I sat on the couch and I imagine, if Y/N will be my husband then I can have an easy life. He's gonna take care of me, our kids... I knew it and now I am pissed with myself so I yelled "Pabo, Im Nayeon! Why can’t I resist this need! I want him but I’m afraid he’ll leave me because of this shameful urge"

End of Flashback

I walk my way to the bathroom, took my clothes off and face the mirror. The reflection of a sinner, a heart breaker and a mindless girl who took for granted her beautiful fate. Tsk, yes I don't deserve him, he's better be with anyone except me.

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