"Hey! How is this fun for me?!" He chases after him around the mall in and out of stores.

The older laughs and teases his maknae with the younger laughing but also desperately wanting his phone back.

Jisung finally catches up with Minho and jumps onto his back, he wrapped his legs around the older's waist trying to achieve his goal on getting his phone back.

"Give it!" Jisung yells out while reaching for his phone with Minho laughing.

"Alright alright, here." Minho finally accepts defeat handing his phone back.

"Finally!" Jisung takes his phone back while still on Minho.

Before Jisung could get off Minho, he held onto his legs and began walking.

"Now your not gonna let me down?" Jisung questioned his hyung.


"Okay, I don't mind being carried around. I actually enjoy it." Jisung wraps his arms around Minho's neck.

"You are an interesting squirrel." Minho just smiles to himself.

Minho's smile soon fell as he saw the two faces once again. He then lowers his head again hoping they won't approach him.

Jisung noticed Minho's behavior and saw the two he was avoiding. A girl with dyed red hair and full face of makeup, the other face was a tall male who looked oddly familiar to Jisung, it was one of the guys that beat up Minho last night. The younger then became angry at the tall man. He gave the man a cold stare wanting to jump off of Minho and give this man a piece of his mind.

What Jisung and Minho didn't know was the taller man recognized Jisung from last night.

The two past by them and Minho lifted his head back up in relief.

"That was the guy from last night huh?! LET ME GO FIGHT HIM!" Jisung then slips out of Minho's grip jumping off of him.

"Jisung don't be stupid. You won't win. Besides it's best if you left it alone." His hyung grabbed Jisungs shirt pulling him back from walking away.

"But he beat you up! I could win if I tried!" He continues to try to get out of Minhos grasp.

"There is a reason why I didn't fight back last night Jisung. I wanted them to leave me alone in my new life." He desperately wanted Jisung not to get involved with his past.

"How do you know if they will actually leave you alone?" Jisung stopped attempting to escape from Minho and turned to face him.

"I'm just hoping they will, lets go." Minho new his past will eventually come back to haunt him.

Jisung didn't agree with him but dropped the conversation and followed Minho.

They went outside with Minho sitting on a bench by a pretty large fountain filled with coins from innocent minded kids.

Minho took off the jacket he was wearing and watching Jisung balancing himself on the rim around the fountain. He thought how adorable his maknae was being, acting like a child.

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