Chapter 2

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It's been smooth sailing since I've arrived. The boys have taken me under their wing like a sister. I have gotten a hang of this newsie career too. Dress like a boy, but some papes, and charm their money into my palms. Some said I was a natural. I started selling 80 papes on the daily.

I was awoken by the sound of boys yelling at each other, "that's my cigar!" "You'll steal anotha". I dragged myself outta bed and smacked them both. I continued my way to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day.

I walked into my independent bathroom and looked into the mirror, "AGH! Oh shit, that's me". I looked like a lion. I combed my long ass hair and braided it up into my newsies hat. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed myself as a newsboy.

By the time I reached the distribution center to get my papes their was a loud commotion.

"Can you believe that jack! Pulitzer jacked up the prices!"

All the newsies gathered around as Jack tried to muster up a plan. One long conversation later, Jack made an abrupt decision to go on strike. Dave's tried reasoning with him, but his stubbornness dominated.

We were all distributed to different Burroughs to convince them to join the strike. In order to get the rest of the Burroughs to join we knew we had to hit the two major Burroughs, Brooklyn and Queens. I was paired with Davey, Boots, and Jack to go to Brooklyn, while Race and Mush went to Queens.

We arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge. It was beautiful scenery. I was deep in thought when I recalled a certain event, "meet on the Brooklyn Bridge in a week at midnight". It's been a week. Tonight was the night where my girls and I meet to check in with each other.

While I was starting to get hyped about seeing my squad, my face ran into someone's back.. Jack. Jack and his lamppost self towered over me like the most the boys, I rolled my eyes and stepped to his side to see why he stopped.

"Well, if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick" a rough voice pierced through the bustle on the bridge. My eyes followed the voice and landed on a boy. A cute one.. He had light brown hair that'd look blonde in some lighting, icy blue eyes, around my age.

He hopped off his "throne" made of crates and stutter over.

"I see you moved up in tha world, Spot"

The two boys spit shook.

"Aye Boots how's it rollin?"

"Gotta coupla good shooters 'ere

Boots extended his hand to reveal marbles. Spot whipped out his sling shot, loaded said marbles, and shot at a beer bottle. It shattered. My eyes went wide at such precision, but I kept my cool and tilted my hat down.

"So Jacky Boy, ive been hearin things from my little boids (birds) from Harlem and Queens. Theyse chirpin sayin Jacky Boy and his newsies playing on going to strike"

"We aren't playing! We ARE on strike" Davey tried to rebutted.

Spot sent a glare towards Davey. His eyes, those cold blue orbs, could see right through anyone and could possibly kill if looks could kill.

"Yea? Yea? What is this Jacky boy? Some kinda walkin' mouth?"

"Yea, it's a moot with brains. And if youse got half of one you'd listen to what he's gotta say"

Spot looked Davey up and down and huffed as if signaling to proceed. Davey pulled himself together and pitched his idea. We wanted Brooklyn to join the strike.

"We started the strike, but we can't do it alone. We in contact with all the newsie in New York"

"So they told me, but what'd they tell you?"

They're waiting to see what Spot Conlons gonna do. You're the key. You're the most famous and respected newsie in New York. If you'll join then they'll join and we can unite. You gotta join cuz- we'll you gotta"

I rolled my eyes and stepped up from behind Jack. "Gee Davey get a grip. Youse here to convince the dude not fill his ego"

"And who might this short stack be?"

"This is Kr-"

I cut Jack off. "Ise can speak fo ma self. Names Kris"

Spot raised an eyebrow and stepped up to me. I looked up at him, he wasn't as tall as jack but he still towered over me. I looked into his eyes which were already looking down on mine. They were cold, but past that they were pained. I took a minute to actually look at his face and damn.. he's hella fine. He studied my face as if trying to figure something out, his expression was unreadable. I blushed when I realized I'd been starring and looked away and stepped back hoping he wouldn't see through me or my blush.

"Anyways, youse right Jacky boy, he's got brains. But I got brains too- and more than just half of one. How do ise know that youse punks wont start runnin first time some goon comes chasin after ya with a club? How do I-"

He was cut off by Davey. "We didn't come all the way here to run away!" He turned on his heels, "c'mon boys it's getting dark" and dragged Boots and Jack with him. I looked at spot one more time and mouthed "think about it" before running off again.

Funny thing I said one more time right? The night was still young

oOOoO ;)

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