A pretty intruder

Start from the beginning

"I read about these things, but never witnessed such things," Belle said.

"You don't seem afraid," I mentioned.

Belle stood and looked at me. "Not really," she replied.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because fear is assuming the unknown. Reading helps you educated yourself. When you don't read, you don't expand your knowledge. In the fairytales, people assume something bad will happen, but if they read further, they will understand the main character survives. It's all about perception," Belle explained.

"And how do you perceive me?" I question with curiosity.

"I don't," Belle answered.

I looked at Belle with confusion. She turned and walked toward me.

"Because I don't know you," Belle said.

"But I'm a beast. I frighten people with my appearance," I told Belle.

"That's appearance. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty comes from within a person with how they treat others," Belle replied.

"I treated others terribly, hence why I'm a beast," I informed Belle as I turned and walked over to the books.

It's a matter of time before Belle sees my true nature and runs. No one will love a beast.

"Please, go," I said, not looking at Belle.

"But," Belle said.

"Please, leave," I said as I stood there.


I looked at Beast with his back turned to me and sighed. I walked over and picked up my cape as I pulled it on, leaving the library. I placed my hood on as I made my way home with the snow crunching under my feet.

Halfway home, I encountered an older woman.

"Can you help me?" The woman asked.

I smiled. "Yes," I answered.

"I have a gift to deliver to the old mansion, but can't find it," the woman said.

"I can show you the way," I offered.

"That would be wonderful," the woman told me.

I helped the older woman to the mansion until we reached the front door. She looked at me and smiled.

"You're too kind," the woman said.

"Kindness doesn't cost anything," I replied.

"Thank you, dear," the woman said as I nodded. I turned and walked away.

The woman pulled out a jar with a single red rose in it and placed it in front of the door along with a note. She looked at the house and smiled before disappearing.


Perhaps I was too harsh with Belle. I went to find her and opened the front door to find a glass container with a note attached. I lifted the vessel, bringing it inside the house. After setting the box down, I read the letter.

The rose signifies beauty. With all beauty, it fades and dies. It's a good lesson to remind you why you're a hideous beast. You care more about yourself than others, which makes you ugly in your own right. With any curse, come strings, and I included a line with this one. If you can find true love before the last petal falls, your affliction will break. If not, it will destine you to remain a beast for eternity.

Beauty's BeastWhere stories live. Discover now