Chapter 11-a Walk in the Park

Start from the beginning

* beep* *beep*

Mal: *in anger* Tazma. What does she want?
Me: *in anger* Girls, hold be before I grab Malvaron's scroll and start telling bad things to Tazma.
Taz: *from the scroll* Greetings little brother, liked the spell.
Mal: This spell was really bad, even for you. Now end it.
Taz: But of course, the minute you handle over your condex pieces.
Mal: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Taz: Have it your way, enjoy watching your Ranger fade away.
Mal: *sigh* I hate my sister.
Ark: We can't give Tazma our condex pieces.
Piper: But she is the only one who can cancel the spell.
Mal: Unless we figure out another way to cancel it without her.
Em: This is all my fault.
Me: 'No it's not. I should have gone with you.'
Em: I should have acted quicker, but I hesitated it and...
Ark: Hey, hey, all that matters is to figure how to save her now, okay?
Zar: Ugh. Aouch. *sigh* Why I feel like I was orch-bashing with an intend time crack and... Woa. What's the deal?
Ark: Tazma hit you with a nasty spell.
Piper: But don't worry Z, we're gonna save you before it's too late.
Zar: Before it's too late? You're freaking me out.
Em: I swear by the stars, we'll figure this out.
Me: And I swear by the stars too, I'm going to bring Tazma to justice for what she did.
Zar: That's the spirit I want to see in you. Even if I don't know what's going on.
Mal: *gasp* By the stars. That's it. The stars are in the perfect formation.
Me: In common english language please.
Piper: Yeah, what does it mean? Did Seren taught you to talk so riddly? No offense.
Me: No comment.
Mal: It means... We're gonna have to bake a cake.
Zar: Now I'm really freaked out.

At first everyone was freaked out, like Zarya, but I got quickly the idea and I motivated the others, so they can help us with the cake.


To save Zarya, we had to go in the Centaur park, to find someone who can help us.

Piper: Okay, where we going? And why did we bake a cake?
Mal: We're gonna visit my Antie Yaga, if there is anyone who can cure Zarya, she can.
Zar: Not that these woodsprites keep me alive though. Did anyone brought a spray or something like that.
Mal: Leave'em alone. Believe me, you do not want to make the woodsprouts angry.
Piper: So your aunt lives here?
Mal: Nah, she bumps around from dimension to dimension, but it is said that she comes to this part of the park every year.
Em: An astral traveler?
Mal: More like a minor demigodess, super lovely and she loves cake.

(Prox: Eh, guys, can I ask you something?
Em: Of course.
Prox: Why you didn't brought her to the academy?
Everyone: *looking in one corner of the room* Hmm.
Me: This is a very good question and maybe I have a minor reason.
Prox: Let's hear it.
Me: Malkayna moments.
Prox: Okay, I'll take it as an answer.
Ark: Wait, what?
Mallor: I can't recognise you anymore.
Prox: Oh jeez, why you are overeacting for being a shipper?)

Mal: *whispering* Hey, it's Tazma again. Do you want to pull a joke on her?
Me: With great pleasure.
Mal: *to the scroll* You reached the Malvaron hot line for seriously disturbed sisters, how may I help you?
Taz: *through the scroll* Very funny. But I doubt your Ranger is laughing.
Zar: Hey Tazma, add any friends in your friend list lately?
Piper: And skeletons don't count.
Everyone in the team: HaHaHa.
Mal: I don't know sis, sounds more like laughing to me.
Taz: If this is such a joke to you, I'll just let the spell run it's curse.
Ark: Go ahead.
Em: And bye-bye.
Everyone: HaHaHa.
Me: But before you close it, listen carefuly. I'm near to find where Dreadbane's fort is and if you dare to do other terrible spells on the others like that, ever again, you should start finding a very good place to hide.
Taz: You're bluffing. *a little worry* Don't you?
Me: You wish. Bye for now Tazma.
Zar: Eh, that was a bit cruel, don't you think?
Me: But I had to make sure she won't bother us again.
Em: Again, that was a bit cruel.
Me: Anyway, let's go. We can't lose any second just standing here.
Ark: Right, let's go girls.

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