chapter 10-Danger in the Skies

Start from the beginning

(Ark: At least none of our parents or Gawayne aren't here to hear it, right?
Zar: Right.)

Zar: I started liking this girl.
Em: Me too.
Henric: The only betrayal we have here is that the water nation stole from the air nation the eagle stone. This stone helped our little islands to levitate in the air, but now they have fallen down like meteorites.
Konak: You think that. We didn't do anything with your stone.
Henric: I'm sure you wanted to take it, because it can also bring the discord and chaos between two or more nations.
Konak: But this works only when the air people have it.
Ark: Sorry, I don't want to cut your fight, but we have an important mission here.
Em: We need to recover one piece of the condex.
Henric: Is a bright yellow book with an eagle in the middle and some spells inside?
Zar: Exactly. But how do you...?
Henric: We know where this book is and we can take you there, if you want.
Piper: Yea, that was easy.
Henric: It would be easy, if this water demons hadn't taken the stone eagle, the only key to the chamber, where this book is hidden.
Konak: Water demons? This is very disrespectful for my people.
Ark: Come on now. Can you stop lying and give back the stone?
Konak: You too think we're lying about all this?
Henric: Yes, because the almighty Dragon Mage knows who is lying.
Zar: Hey, if they had said multiple times that they don't lie, they should probably say the truth.
Ark: Of course you would believe them, like the previous time you believed the Pink Skulls and now Dreadbane has the power of the dragon disk in his hands.

(Mallory: This was very hard girl.
Willa: Yea, even we aren't so bad with each other.)

Zar: It was only a mistake. You don't have to say it always.
Ark: And after the one mistake you made, another one came and now he also has the power of your own piece of the condex.

(Kasha: Woah girl, that was more hard than the previous one. Maybe you have to chill a little.)

This fight was getting out of hand and it became even worse when the two nations start fighting again. I couldn't stand anymore this situation.

Me: Enough. That's enough. Here is what we're going to do. Every nation is going to his territory and we will come to collect clues about this case. Did you understand?

They seemed to get the message and everyone went back so we can get clues from all the four nations. The last thing they did was a deadly look from the water nation to the air nation.

Ark: Who do you think you are to give orders? I'm the dragon mage, so I'm the leader of this team and I'm taking the orders.
Me: Yes, I don't disagree, but we're also the Mysticons. We shouldn't only focus on our mission for the condex, but we should also focus on keeping the order in Gemina and fight for what is right. Going with the air nation and blaming the water nation so they can give back the eagle stone, if they have it, so we can take the piece of the condex was very wrong. This type of behavior, as you know, is very disgraceful for the Mysticons.

(Ertha: When you were thinking that Arkayna had the advantage...
River: Seren comes and the score is Arkayna-Seren, 0-1. Now we can return back to the story.
Me: Can you stop doing like your telling a football match? Anyway, let's return back.)

Piper: Did she...?
Em: No way.
Zar: After this mission, she deserves a box full with snorgballs.
Ark: You're... you're right. I'm sorry Seren. I just... wasn't myself. Zarya, I'm also sorry for what I said you before.
Zar: Eh, it's okay. I also have gotten out of hand. Maybe we should relax after all this.
Ark: You're right, but first let's find the stone. So, what do you think? Where should we start?
Em: Usually they start with the victims and then with the witnesses.
Me: But if we have this time to reverse the line?
Ark: So it's closed, I'm going with Piper to the fire nation and Zarya, Emerald and Seren, you're going to the earth nation. Then Piper will go with Seren to the air nation and me, Zarya and Emerald are going to the water nation, so whoever did this can't follow us.
Me: Good plan.
Piper: So why we're waiting? Let's go.

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