Chapter 9-The Astromancher Job

Começar do início

Game: You beat apocalypse.
Doug: Argh. That controler is cursed.
Zar: Better luck next time Dougie.
Me: Let's hope it's not cursed with the curse of vanishing.

Zar: How is it going princess? So, you can really make a nock of the dragon disk?
Me: I believe we can do it in the right way.
Em: Make an artifact like that is pretty imposible.

(Me and Piper: *singing* You say it's imposible, to make another dragon disk, but my dear, it's possible, it's possible, it's possible.
Zar: Other greek songs for now?
Me: We'll see later.)

Ark: Yes, but according to this ancient tomes, we might be able to make it up. But we're gonna need a few things.
Zar: A dragon lotus from the forest of doom?
Piper: Lava from the volcano of doom?
Em: And lighting in a bottle?
Me: From the sky of doom?
Ark: I know, but if we're going to save the realm... and my parents.
Zar: Hey, we've got your back princess.
Piper: Yeah, let's do this.
Me: This is going to be the most interesting shopping trip I ever had.
Zar: Maybe it will be the doomest shopping trip you ever had.

We transformed into our Mysticon form and run on our griffons to get these ingedients. This thing wasn't so bad, we only had to fight some enemies we had faced before, but it was also exhausted.


Ark: Way to go girls. We've got everything.
Everyone: *in tired tone* Yeah.
Doug: Hey, I had all those stuff in my closet already. Why you didn't ask?
Me: 'Please Arkayna do the look, because I don't have the courage to chase him'.

(Me: I know it sounds bad, but you saw what we passed.)

Ark: Okay, the moment of true.

Arkayna put all the ingedients together and the machine was creating this perfect copy of the dragon disk. We're so close.

Piper: Careful. Careful. Careful. Sorry.
Ark: Guys, we did it. Now we just have to sneek into the astromanchers academy, free Malvaron and boost it with power.
Em: Woa, woa. Sneek in?
Ark: Yeah, they would never let us use the Celestial forge.
Em: *worried* The Celestial forge? Are you out of your mind?
Piper: What is that Celestial forge?
Me: An anormous magic furnace that the ancients used to create artifacts like the dragon disk.
Em: *worried again* And if we make one mistake...
Ark: we could open a rift in the cosmoverse, I know. But if we don't do this, Dreadbane is going to get the last two last pieces of the condex.

(Prox: Hmm, interenting. I wonder what else we're going to hear in there.
Kash: Still I can't belive that you lost the dragon disk.
Ark: Hey, nobody is perfect.
Kash: You mean purrrfect.
Mallor: Stop it Kash.
Me: Can we continue? Here is the big part.
Willa: Let's go then.)

Zar: The princess has a point. We can't risk that.
Em: Fine, I guess you're right.
Ark: Okay. Everyone in the plan.
Piper: A heist? I love the heists. It's time to give lessons.
Ark: Here is our plan we made.

In the background our plan was playing while we were saying step to step. Nothing was going to be wrong. Ark: First, we need to get passed the guards outside.
Me: They change shifts every four hours.
Ark: Em, you'll be up next. Once we're in, we head at the star chamber. I'll activate the lock.
Me: Piper, you nock out the guard, we free Malvaron, so he can get us into the Celestial forge...
Ark: We fire it up and another dragon disk in our hands. What do you think?
Zar: You knock it out with the gladiator part princess.
Me: Usually I don't do these things, but we want another dragon disk and it will be fun, so let's do it.
Em: I just want to say, for the record, I warned you not to do it.
Ark: It's going to be fine. I'll catch up with you in a bet.

But a very unpleasant surpise found me and Arkayna in the way. Nova had come to our hideout, to become our new solon. Also, a very good question. How the hex everyone finds our hideout? Anyway, I hoped Arkayna could find an excuse to get away and soon.

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