Nightmare (Damian)

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Italics is the nightmare.

  I sit there in a corner unable to move, paralyzed. Damian is strapped to a table. He is unable to move. A man without a face goes over to him and pulls out a knife. "No," I scream.

  The faceless man emerges the knife into Damian and starts to cut his chest open. "Stop," I scream. He doesn't stop. He continues until Damian dies.

When Damian dies he comes at me with the knife in hand. He says, "You should of told him. Now it's to late."

I wake up screaming and drenched in sweat. Damian came barging into my bedroom. "Y/n, are you alright?"

I look at him. Glad it was just a nightmare. "Yes Damian. It was just a bad dream." He nodds and then sits next to me. He hugs me tight. The words the man said in my dream keep repeating in my head.

I have to tell him. Before it's to late. "Dami, I need to tell you something," I said.

"Okay. Go ahead," he said.

I looked at him and said, "Damian, I love you." I looked into his eyes and then he kissed me.

When our lips separated Damian said, "I love you too, beloved." Well I guess something good came to having that nightmare.


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