Dead (or not) (Tim)

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   F/f is favorite flowers.

   Three years ago, I faked my death. It was easy, really. Well the truth is, I did die. You see, I have the power of revival.  Twenty-four hours after dying I come back to life. I also have other healing abilities.

   I didn't want to fake my death, but I had no choice. Everyone I loved was threatened. I was told to fake my death, leave Gotham, and never come back. So, I did.

   One week ago, I discovered the man who threatened me was murdered. But that wasn't all, my family was found dead the same day. I am now back in Gotham visiting my parents' graves.

------Tim's POV------
     I came to the cemetery to visit Y/n's grave. She was buried right next to her parents. I had f/f in hand when I saw a girl with h/c hair standing in front of Y/n's parents' graves. Curious , I got a little close. She was speaking to them. She sounded so familiar. She was saying, "Mom, dad. I loved you so much. I am so sorry I wasn't there to save you . I miss you so much."

    I finally realized who it was. "Y/n," I said. She then turned around. It was her. My dear  Y/n. "But how? You died," I asked.

   She looked at me and said, "I did. And then I came back to life. Timmy I missed you so much. I had no choice. I had to otherwise he was going to kill everyone I love."

   I was so confused. She died and was alive. I said, "Okay one, why are you back if you the lives of your loved ones were threatened why'd you come back? And two, did they use the Lazarus Pit on you?"

  She looked straight into my eyes and said, "To answer the first question, the guy who threatened to kill the ones I loved died. To answer your second question, no he did not use the Lazarus Pit.  When I die I resurrect after twenty-four hours."

  I looked at her in shock. I was so surprised. I had no idea she had these powers. I said to her, "Well, I am just glad you're alive. I love you."

She responded with , "Love you too, Timmy."


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