wHoOoOoOoO is sally?!

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I know no Sally! So stop calling me that.

Sally sounds nice though...

A-And these players, creatures, chicken things are also nice.. I mean..Not as nice as Kevin.

W-Well I made a friend at least!

Their name is, A-ary. They are very very nice.

And she talks about this hero, called,

Poultry man.

They said he was nice. They said we was a hero to all.

But it could all be a lie!!!!!!

No no no katey! Why would you think that?

Because a lot of people are bad people!!!!



I need to stop having conversations with myself ..

Well all of this nonsense of these players upon hermitpad and this Sally is going away!

I'm going home!!! W-wherever that is..

I need to go back to the meadow and relax on the beautiful red flowers. I- just..Dont know where to go.

I dont even know where I am.. well i- I... guess i should talk to some players and ask for help..

I may die in the process.. SO in-order-not-to

We will bring-erm- Gifts!! Some..stuff thingys








Some time ago..

"Poultry man.."

"Yes Sal?"

"How are you gonna fix me?"

"I- dont know yet but.. I promise you wont forget everything.. I promise..."



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