Chapter 8-Lost and found

Start from the beginning

Em: Get down.
Me: Striker, watch out.
DB: Retreat my soldiers, retreat.
Ark: Quick, after them.

Then this big worm made the cave collapsed and got trapped from some rocks, but we don't get this kind of obstacles.

Ark: That was too close. Everyone okay?
Em: Some bruises, but alright.
Me: Fine from here.
Piper: What was that?
Em: Every dwarven miners nightmare, a diamondback cave crawler. Luckily it was just the baby.
Piper: That was a baby.
Em: They don't usually travel so close to the surface. I'm guessing it got seperated from its family.
Me: They usually live in big lava pits, right?  This is how the diamonds are created on its skin.
Ark: Poor thing. It must be terrified.
Piper: *whispering* I know how you feel wormie.
Em: The cave crawler must have eaten the condex piece.
Me: Then let's find it.
Piper: Without hurting it?
Ark: Without hurting it.
Μe: Okay, I have made a map with the inside of it. What? I have a new scroll and I want to use it, okay?
Ark: And be careful girls.
Piper: *sigh* *whispering*I hope Malvaron will find Zarya and Choko soon. I'm not feeling good without them.
Me: He'll find her, it will be easy for Malvaron. And Zarya can fight everything that is in her way. *mumbling* Even the mushroom monsters aren't enough to stop her.

(Ark: Seren, I think you should run. Now.
Ms Goodfey: Arkayna Goodfey, we have already discuss the matter of the plot.
Me: It's okay, she can hunt me. Till the dawn comes.
Ark: Deal. I give you five seconds to leave the palace and only on Gemina, not Earth.
Em: Wait, you're going to take the story with you? And Jess?
Me: You can read it when it come out. You have made profiles on wattpad, don't you? And I want some company.
Ark: Anyway, we start. One...
Prox: Wow, she disappeared so fast.
Willa: Yeah, she is even more faster than me.


Me: Phew. Lukily I got out from the palace. Now let's find a place to hide.
"Now magic map is the right time,
for this forbidden love to hide."
At least I brought my magic map with me, now let's see...
Jess: Chirrp, chirp chirp.
Me: Aha.The old hideout of Zarya, Piper and Choko. The perfect place to hide.Thanks Jess. Who is the best life-savior foz, you are that foz. Here is your biscuit.


Me: Finally, a peacefull place to hide. Now let's continue, shall we Jess?
Jess: Chirp chirp.
Me: And also sorry for the delay. Now let's move on.)

Piper: What?
Me: Nothing. I'm just dreamtalking.
Piper: At least there are two of us who do this.

Meanwhile, Malvaron found Zarya and Choko, finally. But the mushroom monsters woudln't go down without a fight. Here is where Binky was the most useful item of the day and if Malvaron could heard this, he would have been embarassed. To our POV again.

(Ark: Guess who Seren?
Me: What? How did you...? You put on me a detection device, don't you?
Ark: Yep. Now come here and let's go back to the others.
Me: That was cheating you know.


Me: Hey guys, I'm back again and Arkayna burnt me down.
Earhta: Have you reached a good part?
Me: I think yes. Now back in the story.)

Em: The worm must have gone in here.
Ark: Yeah, it droped some of its gems, it's so pretty.
Em: Eh, that's a casting.
Piper: What's a casting?
Me: Eh, let's just say if I was worm wrangler, I would need a bigger shovel.
Ark: Oh my goblin.
Piper: Haha.

(Ark: Why everyone started laughing?
Me: *with laughter* Sorry, but... this was one of... the most funny... moments in history. Hahaha.
Ark: *in frustation* It wasn't funny.
Zar: It was and I have reasons. First, this is the Karma for cheating on the hunt and second, this was the only funny moment in the episode, so after all these we deserve to laugh a little.
Ark: A little? Seren and Piper are literally dying from laughter on the floor and you say me a little?
Zar: The "a little" can be different to everyone.
Ark: Okay, I'll admit it, it was a bit fun. Now continue, because we're going to stay here forever.
Me: Okay. *huff* Okay. *huff* Let's continue.)

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