Call Me Any Time

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Trigger Warning: Panic attack, mention of abuse

Mj's POV

I raced out the door and into the alley as fast I could, tears mixing with the pouring rain and my phone clutched to my chest. The cold hit me hard, but I barely noticed it. My eyes stung, and my bruised cheek moaned painfully. I could feel my heart beating madly, lungs trying to satisfy the demand for oxygen. Everything inside my head swarmed like bees,  trying to piece itself back together for the hundredth time. I could still hear him, his angry voice shattering the little bit of calm left in me. Without a moment's hesitation, I ran as fast as I could, not daring to look back. I paused, gathering the courage to glance behind me. 

Nothing but the shadows that always followed me around. I had grown used to their presence, their plain existence. No matter how far I would run, no matter how fast I would hide, they were always there. One day, I just decided to stop trying.

I couldn't go back. Not yet. I had to wait for it to be safe again, if it ever had been safe. Silently, I slid down into a sitting position against the wall. Trying to keep myself warm, I hugged my knees, wishing the time by. My body shivered endlessly, and I hugged myself tighter. If only I could fall asleep and never wake up. 

My heart beat like a drum, the pace never slowing down. I needed to distract myself. My hands dug into my pockets and pulled out my phone. Carefully, I searched through the meaningless games and numbers that were all so preciously put in there. They didn't matter right now. 

There was nothing. Unless... No. He wouldn't even be awake at this hour. Would he? I argued within myself until I finally came to a decision. I commanded my hands to put the phone back in my pocket. But they didn't listen. My fingers dialed his number before I could stop them.

Peter's POV

"Are you alright ma'm?" I glanced behind me for the thief, noticing with relief his gun lying on the sidewalk.

"Yes, thanks to you I am." Her hands still shook, and I handed her back her purse to give them something to hang on to.

Assured she was safe, I stepped back and swung to the top of a clothing store. No dangerous threats, just a few petty thefts. It was unusual but nice to be able to relax. I was startled when my phone rang. 

"Karen, who's calling?"

"Mj. Would you like me to accept the call?"

"Yes. Mj? Are you okay?" I was worried that she had called this late at night. There was a momentary pause before she spoke.

"Hi." The word was small and hoarse, and I silently turned up the volume so I could hear her better. She sounded exhausted, a hint of shame and surrender in her voice. Her breath was strained and rapid, as if she had just run a marathon. 

"What's up?" I relaxed against the ground, letting the rain pour over my suit and wash all the dirt off of it. 


"And I suppose that's why you called your boyfriend at 2 am in the morning? If you need me to, I can bring you to the tower and ask Captain America to give you a lecture of why you need sleep." It gave me a smile to hear her laugh. "So, now that I made you smile, what's really going on?"

"I just couldn't sleep. Maybe it's the biology test tomorrow."

I knew she wasn't telling the truth. I just couldn't imagine Mj studying into the late hours for a test of any kind. 

"I didn't know you actually cared about school."

"What? You think I never pay attention in class?"

I sighed. She was determined to not tell me. I wanted to go shake her until she told me who had hurt her so I could go beat them up. But I knew what it felt like to just want to talk to someone. And I didn't want Mj to be talking to the poster on her wall.

My senses picked up on a new sound.

"Are you outside in the rain?"

"Well, yeah."

A sense of worry flooded me. "You're gonna catch a cold! Wait just a minute, I'm coming to get you. Karen, track her phone." 

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