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Heyy guys! New part of 'NIALL HERE SHE COMES'.!! Thank you for reading this my imagines 😊I hope u will like it . Vote for it please 💞💞

A. N: (they all are just group of best friends not the best boy band in world.. Just imagine)

You went to the room sadly, and lie down on the bed thinking about the day you met lads..


"Hey look! they are looking at you. Oh my God!! "" Shut up y/f/n! They are not.. They are just talking.. " u said, suddenly one of them came to u and said "hey will u like to go with us just for shopping if u don't mind. Cause Niall wants u to -" "I didn't!!! We want u to come! " a blond hair one yelled. He was like a bit shy.."oh but,I have to go home, sorry" I told him "No worries!!" one of them yelled. "Don't listen to him, he's always like this, childish baby... But very nice.. We all are nice btw. I'm Liam. The person there-" they all stood beside Liam.. "I'm Louis!." "Vas Happening guys!! Oh, Zayn. I'm Zay-Zayn" "Hey pretty girl! How you doin'!" "just tell your name!!" "Ohkay.. I'm Harry " he smirks and wink at me. It made me a bit giggle...." Hey um.. I'm Niall.. Nice to meet ya. "he polietly said.. He was really shy and seemed to look nervous but he was cute.." So....... We told our name and.. " Harry said." Oh sorry. Um. I'm y/n..." u said.."Pretty name.." Niall said. "Thanks.. Yours too.." u blushed.. "So are u coming now" Liam asked. "Well.. Um not today but I can come tomorrow.." u smiled. "Yahh!.. But where? when?" Harry said. "Um.. You know where is Park?" u questioned. "Yeh" "I'll meet you guys there at 5'o clock.." u stated. "Ok Y/N! Tomorrow, 5, at park.." Harry and Louis said... "Bye" you waved to them and started walking.. Suddenly Someone called u "Y/N!!" it was Niall. He came to u and said. "Um y/n. Bye." "well bye Niall" "Yeah bye,... y/n" u smiled and started walking to ur house....(end of flashback)

"The next day we all went to shoping.. We talked a lot and had a lot fun.. We became friends, then best friends.. They really are soo nice.. " u were talking to yourself.." Do u have crush on someone among them?? " "Oh maybe..I----" u turned ur head and saw Harry and Zayn standing there.. "What the hell!? " "Gotcha" "Who is the 'one guy' among us y/n?? " Zayn said." Shut up, go to sleep "u said.." we will not tell anybody... Please y/n.?? "Zayn said by making his cute puppy eyes. But this time it's not gonna work.." Not helping Zayn.. " u stated.." We will not tell anyone.. Please y/n.. " they cross their hearts.." Oh god... Guys it's not what u are thinking. " "Then what is it? " Harry asked "It's something else that u will not understand.." I trailed off and stood up and went to the window and pretended to think about something. They both came towards the window. As I expected. I took two steps back and pointed in the direction of the window "What's that?" I said. Harry and Zayn started looking out "where?" Harry asked "over there" they were so keen to know as to what I'm talking about that I took the opportunity to run out of the room. I lied. It was the only way to distract them. There wasn't actually anything else. I ran out of the room and oh lord I bumped my head into Niall's chest. He's tall. "Uh sorry" I said to him looking at his gleaming sea blue eyes.. I just stared at them.. Moonlight makes his eyes more beautiful.. His eyes were at me. We were looking at each other then suddenly u heard someone calling u.. Harry and Zayn!! "Not again!" u broke the eye contact and rolled ur eyes in frustration. "Hey what happened? Why were u ru-" Niall asked but u interrupt his line. " no time to tell u right now.. Hide me somewhere.! Anywhere! "u looked confused.." Your room! Come on!! "u grabbed his hand and ran towards his room.. U shut the door and sat on his bed and said,"Now I feel safe!" u seigh. "Btw what are u hiding from??" Niall asked sitting besides you . "Harry and Zayn.. Because.. Uh.. I was thinking about that day when we met. I was lost in that and then Zayn or Harry asked me something secret and I was gonna say that but I didn't but they are now too curious to know it but I don't wanna tell them!"

you sighed at the last word and Niall looked at you and burst into laughter...
"Why are u laughing?!" u questioned. "Poor u!! They will not leave u" he said. "Shut up Ni!" I said in annoying voice. "Sorry" he giggled. I was blushing and I know that Niall was chuckling.
He was staring at you that what makes you blush. You looked at him, his sea blue eyes met your brown ones.. You stare in his eyes, lost In your own world (again).. You both came closer to each other, just an inch apart. You could feel his breath on your face. Your heart pumped too fast even you can hear it. "Y/N, you are beautiful" his expression can tell that he want to say more but then...

'Knock knock'
You both got enterupted by Louis. "Lad I wanna pee open the door" you both stood up not looking at each other as you both know you were blushing and smiling at the same time. "Neil! Open up fast" Louis yelled. "Y/N, hide in my closest. Fast!" Niall whispers in your ears. You nodded and hid inside his closet... You heard Niall opening the door. "What took you soo much of time!? " Louis gave a death glare to Niall. He went as fast as he can to the toilet .. After some seconds your legs were paining cause the whole day made you tired. You sat down and turn your head to explore his closet.. All his clothes were untidy... You rolled your eyes and something caught your eyes "What's this?" it was a letter and Niall wrote it ; it says : To Love Of My Life (the first letter of your name) f/l/y/n...
"Come out! " Niall opened the closet and you jumped up squeezing the letter in the hand." is he gone? "you asked.
" Yeah " he said.." Why was he here when you got toilet downstairs too?!. " you asked in annoying voice.
" It was Liam downstairs.. " he giggled
" Fool! " You said in annoying voice and Niall chuckled." i better go to my room and lock from inside so that Harry and Zayn can't come inside again and ask me all the stupid stuff.." You giggled at the last line.. "No problem goodnight" Niall waved you and closed the door.

You were still holding the 'letter' the and wanted to read it so you went in your room and locked it. You sat on your bed and started opening the mysterious letter.!!

What will happen now? What was in the letter? What happened next? Be updated for all your answers.. Another thing am taking request too so request in comments I'll take your request in the next book be updated. Vote for it 😘😘

Love ya ♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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