Part - 2

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Guys here comes the part 2 of "NIALL HERE SHE COMES" hope you will like it too.. It's an honar that my this imagine is at #1love1d.. 😍😍thanks a lot 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞ENJOY 😊😊

As Liam said u 3 went at ur apartment. U rushed to ur room.. U grabed some of ur clothes other things u need to carry on beach..
U were about to come down when u heard Louis and Niall's conversation "WOT! REALLY "Louis screamed" Shh shh shh! She'll listen. Quite! "Niall said in a nervous and blushy voice..." I mean she really?! "" yes yes she do Louis " Niall blushed. Are they talking bout me?! Is he talking bout when I saw him in his washroom. Naked!! U thought and felt blushed....

" Boys " U said and they both jumped
In sudden.." hey y/n where were u? " Louis said in a crooked voice..." I was there. Here. Where was I.? " u sound confused and said in crooked voice.." yeah! Iwasupstairs.. "u said " Okay. So shall we go?! " " Yeha " u said amd u all sat in the car.. U were too curious to know what happened to Niall and what were they taking about..

U all reached at Beach and saw Harry, Liam and Zayn.. Harry waved at u but u seemed to not being attentive.." Y/N COME OVER HERE!! " Zayn scream but u were lost in ur own world.." Hey Niall Louis here! " Liam shouted.." yehhhh! "Louis shouted to response to Liam.." y/n what are u waiting for. Don't u wanna come? " Niall asked u and u jump in sudden" ohh yeah.. Let's go. "..

U all got changed and u sat under the tree watching boys having fun in different things.. Louis was with Harry playing with water and swimming. Liam and Zayn was with a group of girls and Niall..." where is Niall " u didn't see him anywhere

U started to search for him.. U asked all the boys and some other guys if they have seen him.. But NIALL wasn't anywhere.

After half an hour of searching u got tired and went inside the house(they owe it) u saw Niall sleeping on the couch. U sighed and soft smile cover ur face... U came closer to him and saw blood on his right hand's palm.....
"WTAF!Niall! Niall!! Niall!!! "Niall woke in sudden and saw u... " oh yn u here.. "he mumbled..

Niall 's. P. O. V

Her eyes was in tears. She was crying and holding my hand. I remember that I tripped in bathroom and got bruise..." oh this. It's nothing. " I told her her eyes was full of lust and she suddenly said" IT'S NOTHING! OH REALLY.!!! see how much blood is coming out. Wait here I'll get u bandaid. " she ran in kitchen and bought first aid box.. She was still crying but was trying not to show me..

Yn. P. O. V

He was bleeding and he said it's nothing! I was angry but tears were coming from my eyes.. I have never cried for any person. What happened to me.

After some minutes u bandaged his hand and u realized he was staring at u.. "what r u looking at!.." "No nothing just-" u stood up and blushed a bit. U got reminder that you have to ask him what happened to him..
"Ugh hey Niall I wanna talk to u " u turned around and Niall look lil confused" Oh okay yeah sit here " NIALL hesitated and blushed too..

" what u wanna do talk " Niall asked u." hmm Niall see, we've been knowing each other for a pretty much long time and we became friends. Good friends.. " u were saying it and looking down.. u turned ur face to his pretty handsome face.. He's soo cute.." huhhm " Niall said.." ok so. Um ahm ah"u hesitated "What? Come to the point y/n."  he was looking at u with a cute iretated but wonderful pout.. Aww..
" uh so ok tell me the truth! " u said lil yelling at him" ok y/n I'll ""
"Whathappnedtou!? "u yell "I didn't understand yn say it properly."
"ah what happened to u Niall?. U are acting strange. When I came yesterday u were not with boys I asked them but they hesitated to tell me! And then u appear saying u changed the clothes. But they said u were 'cracracra'  something like that!" u stopped and realize he was looking at u.. "Answer!" u yell. "See y/n but I was changing clothes only"  he said calmly but u were knowing he's lying..

" NO! I know u r lying! " u scream at him and then he replied in his soft angelic voice" u wanna hear the truth but promise it'll be between lads+u and me "" um" u agree..
"I was crying. "" what the heck y were you crying love!!? " u said.
" uh I - I was because u know I'm not able to tell my - urgg I'm not able to tell my love of life to be my princess. I'm scared if she will talk to me after that. Will she accept? . " Niall blushed but some drops of water came from his eyes beautiful eyes..

" ohhm.. Be confident she will agree. Y ll she disagree a sweet but psycho , handsome but foodie, hot but um what to say.. Leave it she will agree. " u said with a big smile on ur face but ur heart was like crying .. U really don't know y... 
Niall laughed his face was really funny but cute.." Y/n u really are the person who made me soo happy I'll tell her soon amd with no worries in my heart. Thanks a lot Ms. Councillor" u giggle and said "Ur most Welcome Mr. Nialler the Sweet But Psycho.."  u and Niall giggled and he gave u a long hug.. U love his hug a lot he's soo sweet..

Suddenly Louis came and saw both of u hugging.. "okkk love birds back to home"  he giggled u threw a pillow on his face.. "We just friends!" 
Oh really? Cuz I don't think soo😉

Thanks a lot guys.. Hope u enjoyed it. Sorry for taking it long. Read my other imagines.. Vote for it please 😊😊.. New part will be updated soon 😊💞💞

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