eighty-four; four years later

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is anyone still here? 

No? Just me? Ok, cool. 

I'm home for Christmas break. From COLLEGE. That's right, it's literally been four years and here I am, a college kid now, writing into the void because the boredom of winter break is eating away at me. A lot has happened since I last wrote on here, I've changed so much. THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD STORIES I WISH I COULD JUST BLURT OUT AT THIS MOMENT! 

Let me give you a quick run-down! I'm a freshman studying Psych and Spanish. I have AMAZING friends and I love my school SO much. Do I like my roommates? Nah. Those are some good rant stories. Do I like a boy? Yah. Am I EMOTIONALLY TRAUMATIZED AFTER YEARS OF BOY PROBLEMS? Yah. Again, amazing stories if you're in for it.

 Here's some of the BS that has gone down since I last wrote...

For starters; do you remember part "eighty-one; hooked on a feeling"? As if we didn't see where it was going; things with the Australian family friend didn't work out. Things got CRAZY (that's sarcasm ps) when, a year later-2017- we started texting. I was SO excited. this was the first guy showing interest in me. IN ME! And then, slowly, the texting stopped. I mean, I kept trying. I didn't now what happened. one day I just stopped getting responses. No more snaps, he was a ghost on there. LITERALLY! I sent my mom undercover (Jk, she went on vacation with his mom) to get the scoop. IT TURNS OUT he blocked me and got a girlfriend. BLOCKED ME! Our families are friends! This is something one should be able to get over quickly, but every few months we would snap or I would see his photo on IG and it would start over again. THUS MY BOY PROBLEMS EMERGED. Four years later and I'm good! FINALLY! Whatever, right? 

I didn't like anyone for a REALLY long time after this. Three years to be exact. There was one guy I thought was really cute, and was giving me attention, my senior year of high school. He is a total jackass, but the point is that. I didn't really like him until my "friend" told me I couldn't. And she told him I was obsessed with him. And she told my dance studio that I was a slut. Uh... what. I was still a 100% on the Rice Purity Test at this point!!! He told me he didn't want to "get in between us" and I never heard from him again. Literally until this winter break... he wouldn't leave me alone. But, again. Whatever, right? 

Now, the fun stuff. I went away to university as a 100 on the purity test. the most annoying homeschool girl you can be. I was (and am) boy crazy, ready to date, nervous to meet people. NOW I have the most amazing friends, and I like a boy. And he knows. And it's fine. because we went on A DATE. How has my emotional trauma treated me, you may ask? I tell myself every day that there's NO WAY HE LIKES ME. NO WAY. Even though we went on the "adventurous date" I'd always wanted, as mentioned in "forty-one; ANTI BOYFRIEND TAG". He took my ice skating, y'all. Come on. 

But what is college for, if it's not to grow? Going away for university has been the BEST thing to ever happen to this little homeschool girl. SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEMESTER LADIES AND GENTS!!!! 

1) I live RIGHT ACROSS THE HALL from two of the best friends I could have ever asked for. The first day I met them I literally recorded how loud they were being because it was past quiet hours and they were hollering in the hall. Now I'm out there with them. I seriously have the most amazing friends. Isaacs, if you're reading this I love you lol. And then we have Jane, who lives on my floor. We got really close because we had the same spanish class. Couldn't have made it without her! AND THEN JORDAN! we met at a welcome week party and I couldn't imagine my semester without her. 

2) I went to my FIRST PARTY! AND IT WAS FUN! Did I watch someone vomit and keep walking? Yeah. Did I keep dancing? Yeah. I've only been to one other party since then, but that was also so much fun. Is it weird to have a goal of going to more parties? Like... I feel like I'm still a hermit. 

3) I WENT TO NEW YORK WITH JORDAN! We went to see one of our mutual friends in her dance showcase. It was AMAZING. First trip without parents and I survived. 

4) I made it out of my first semester, passing with flying colors!

I'm so sorry that this is such a long segment. I hope at least one person reads it. I'd love to tell more stories; maybe about my crazy roommates or the time I rode in the back of a police vehicle. Maybe I could even give college advice, OR tell you about the time I experienced BABYSITTER ABUSE. LOL! 

Thanks for sticking with me through the years. And thanks for sticking with it for yourself. It gets better, it really does. I had no idea what I was in for, but I've never been happier. 

More rants to come. xoxo

also catch me on tiktok 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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